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Posts posted by zoot

  1. Like I said, I would like to try animation, I have only suppervised animation to date, but i have read alot of theory. So something like a non priority animal would be cool. If it dosen't work out nothing is lost but my time :)

    Animators are sorely needed, I believe, so that would be a great place to get started. There is some info on how it works here: http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/BasicAnimationImplementation

    In any case, welcome.

  2. 99% of the people you would get from a release would have a great experience paying the game as is and won't ever get to the point where they can crush the AI.

    Sorry, but this is absolutely not true. Lots of progress has been made on the AI, but it is still well below the skill level of an average gamer. I know this because even I can beat it :D

  3. Yeah, I would just skip it if any key is pressed, effectively leaving it up to the user how much they want to preload.

    Also, there should be at most 1 such cinematic. I hate games that have like 10 different cinematics after each other and you have to tap, tap, tap to get through to the menu.

  4. No, the return remains constant.

    Perhaps I'm misunderstanding, but using FeXoR's suggested formula:

    damagereduction(armor) = round(100 * (1 - pow(0.9, armor)))

    If we translate to JS and plug in the numbers:

    damagereduction(50) = Math.round(100 * (1 - Math.pow(0.9, 50))) = 99


    damagereduction(9000) = Math.round(100 * (1 - Math.pow(0.9, 9000))) = 100


    Or if we use armor level 51:

    damagereduction(51) = Math.round(100 * (1 - Math.pow(0.9, 51))) = 100


    100% damage reduction for armor level 51 versus 100% damage reduction for armor level 9000 is what I mean by "essentially the same". Of course one can always discuss whether more than 50 levels are needed, but it's a valid point that there is a limit.

  5. Steam is a no-go IMO. It breaks the law in many countries especially the right of usage of bought software (that with steam depends on the settings of the steam servers, not the setup of your system).

    That seems unlikely. What you are buying is access to a service, not the software itself.
  6. Seems there is in fact something called 'distanceless' sounds, which is what is used for selection sounds. Should I use that? I guess I could associate it with the attacking unit, though it would carry no real significance.

    Actually no, I shall associate it with the attacked unit, that should work fine. Then we can potentially have special attack notifications for heroes and the like.

    (So, stwf, ignore my previous request - the current function should do fine after all.)

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