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Posts posted by zoot

  1. i read that in Google Git wiki. but, to me use that is hard to actualization(to me), im not Programmer and git clients are not much friendly UI.

    put some linesof code scareme some,and normal user even more. finally i can download. SF dont accept my password, i must use something named "Fork" to have that files.

    If you're scared of the tools that developers use, you will find that development will be very difficult for you. Catering to "normal users" seems counterproductive when you have no product to offer them.

  2. we need a public download. by SVn and GIt

    Having two different SCMs for the same project is counterproductive. And having it intentionally is just dumb :P You ought to pick one or the other.

    0 A.D. only uses both for historical reasons - Git had not even been released when they set up their first repository 8 years ago. But technology has developed, and now many new projects choose Git from the beginning.


    (Google interest over time.)

  3. That's not what I hear when I google around, though:

    “The gateway to get to Windows 8 is Windows 7, and we will have backward compatibility with Windows 7 embedded into Windows 8. That's something that we're very committed to. But that's a really important first pillar,” Kevin Turner, Microsoft Chief Operating Officer said at the Worldwide Partner Conference 2011.


  4. I'm impressed by the amount of effort you must have put into this, but to be honest I find it highly unlikely that anyone will be able to fund ongoing maintenance of a completely disparate codebase. The approach is simply too cumbersome, though I recognize that Windows 8 is supposedly a very different beast.

    It must be possible to emulate the old Win32 API in some fashion, at least for 0 A.D. part 1. If we want to support WinRT natively for part 2, we'll likely rethink the whole engine from scratch, rather than undertaking this Herculean task of having to port each and every single little change back and forth between each platform.

  5. Hi Erobert. Some links:



    If you want to contribute to the mainline of development, you will either modify the engine (otherwise known as Pyrogenesis) or the so-called "public" mod (the default mod shipping with releases, otherwise known as 0 A.D.).

    If you want to make changes to pathfinding, you have to modify the engine: https://github.com/0ad/0ad/blob/master/source/simulation2/components/CCmpPathfinder.cpp Making changes to this file does require a recompile, since it's done in C++. However, the pathfinder is subject to change in the future, so don't rely on it being stable.

    If you are making an actual mod, as opposed to contributing to the mainline development, you can't really change the pathfinder, since its a core engine feature.

    • Like 1
  6. I see you have a Git repository :)http://sourceforge.net/p/aristeia/code/ci/c84fe73b488eb797936470b26ac99baa605931e3/tree/ So far so good.

    You should learn to use one of Git's most important features, branching: http://git-scm.com/book/en/Git-Branching

    Once you have set your project up as a branch of 0 A.D., it will be much easier for people to switch back and forth between your project and 0 A.D. and to keep your project in sync with 0 A.D. That will also make it more attractive for programmers to contribute, because it becomes less of a hassle to work on both projects side by side.

    • Like 1
  7. Good further work Enrique. Well, I still find that it looks much too different from the context. If you can produce some more basic ones with a non-curved rock block, that would allow some of these waterfalls to fit in those cliffs. The ones you have for now would surely work in a set of very curved rock, and I guess when set in the middle of vegetation, would looks much more integrated in the mass.

    I guess part of the problem is that the cliff faces can take all sorts of angles. The curved 'outcrop' looks decent for most cliff faces, while a more flat one might look great for some cliff faces but suck for others.

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