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  1. By doing that your whitewashing one culture for the other. It would be similiar to merging the Iberians with the Gauls. The Britons and Gauls of the time where very different. As different as the Skythians from the Persians.
  2. Kinda hoping that this is still being considered. I really like the idea of a more in-depth combat system. I'm not sure if this is the area to discuss this, but how are you planning on implementing Javelins and Throwing spears to the melee troops of the Celts, Iberians and Romans? If so, will it be a unit ability with a cooldown ability? This is kind of an important thing for the Celts and Germans, since almost every man carried some kind of throwing weapon into battle. Edit: Posted this really late last night.
  3. I would love to see Pontus as a faction, Or Baktria. Saba, Axum or Pyu city states might exotic and unique choices.
  4. They(Armenians) where certainly unique enough. The Hayasdan would have the mounted power of the Sarmatians and Skythians, but with all the perks of a settled nation too. Hayasdan would have Light Cavalry Archers, Armoured Cavalry Archers, Cataphracts, Spearmen, Armoured Spearmen and competent bowmen. The thing is though, why would they include a relatively minor nation like Armenia when they can include heavy hitters like Skythia, Odrysia(or Dacia), Germania, Ptolemaioi, or the Seleucids?
  5. This makes alot of sense considering Maurya India had one of the largest armies in the world and the second largest city next to Beijing in Han China.
  6. Do you have anything to back this claim? Virtually everything i've read on the topic says the Lion at Sarnath. I'm not saying your wrong, I'm just curious as to why you claim that.
  7. Bhaje cave (200 BC) Buddha statue in the Ajanta Caves Carbondated to 200 BC Pandu Lena Caves Udayagiri Jain Caves All I can seem to find is caves. I think it might be time to hit up my local library. Found a map of the Maurya Empire with names of cities. Taxila Sarnath Ruins
  8. I think Kurdish Javelin might make more sense, since i don't think the Seleucids ever occupied the Arabic peninsula. I really think you guys should add the Odrysian Kingdoms. You have the Getic, Thracian and early Dacian tribes all packed into 1 incredibly hard hitting Civ. Dacian Phalanx and Falxmen, Thracian Peltasts and Rhomphilia, Gretic Horsemen and Horse Archers.
  9. The Europa Barbarorum guys are insane. They originally did research for Rome: Total War and i knew one of the researchers. The books in my first post are in that list in the bottom. Everything is sourced, and i'm pretty sure you can pull anything from that page. Edit: This is the unit roster from the original mod: http://www.europabarbarorum.com/factions_eleutheroi_units8.html#india
  10. Yup, there is also evidence of poison arrows too. I humbly purpose a champion on a chariot, too. pictures from the mahabharata Murals & Architecture Ahsoka(Devanagari) the Great needs to be a champion methinks.
  11. I should point out that the Longbowmen should be the most common unit. Indian Archers where the primary troops in a Mauryan Kings Army. What about Macemen or Clubmen? The only PDF books i have i sent you, but i can post more books here that i've been told to look at. Gokhale, B.G. Ancient India: History and Culture. Keay, J. India – A History. Majumdar, B.K. The Military System in Ancient India Singh, S.D. Ancient Indian Warfare with Special Reference to the Vedic Age. Smith, V.A. Aşoka, the Buddhist emperor of India. Gonna look into sanskrit names and see if i can find more Miniature books on India. These are fantastic ideas, I was looking through some books to see if there was evidence of cavalry archers, but couldn't find anything.
  12. Ugh i feel dumb, i admit i don't know much about Ptolemies or, really Roman egypt. That tree looks almost identical to the Macedonian trees, with the exception of the Elephants. Seleucids at the very least would be different because of the wide variety of levy troops they will have access to. Baktria, Iran, and Armenia could all contribute.
  13. You mean The Old Kingdom? You realise that the kingdom takes place 3,000 years before 0 AD takes place? Even the New Kingdom takes place 1,500 years before the game, which is the height of Egypts power. I'd love to see Egypt, It might be out of place considering the time and technology is extremely different(Bronze age, Iron age). Although this could mean that Egypt is extremely unique. On the other hand, are you guys planning on doing to the Celts like you did with the Hellenistic factions? Britons and Gauls? Both are extremely different, and fought differently.
  14. I saw that you guys needed help with the Indian faction. I paint wargaming models and have a few pdf books that would suit you guys well, who would i go about contacting?
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