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Everything posted by Phoenix4646

  1. My GIMP Version is 2.8.4 (which I'm probably gonna update to 2.8.10 unless you tell me I shouldn't) and I've tried both exporting directly to .DDS ( https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/93679544/DDSExporterSettings.png ) and to .PNG ( https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/93679544/PNGExporterSettings.png (I've also tried ticking everything there, but nothing changed))
  2. I've tried that too, same results. Maybe it's just because I have no idea how the textures work in this game. But again, how can there be texture that has been erased and isn't present in any of the other textures? If I erase it completely though (erase everything so that it's only transparent), I get a model completely covered in player color (no parts of other textures beneath it, no shape or color, just plain non-multiplied playercolor). Unless you have any more ideas I guess I have to try around. Trial and Error
  3. First of all, thanks for the respones! I am Absolutely sure it was at 100%. I've erased over the transparency several times and it didn't change even a bit for some reason. I've tried the layer method but the result is still confusing me. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/93679544/0ad-2-colorweirdness.png Well, I understand that the color is still brown because it's just white that's being lain over. But how can it look like how it looked before? There's nothing there! How can there be texture that has been erased? https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/93679544/0ad-texture.png Do you mean something like 'Hardness 050'? I've always been using that I've also been trying it with Paint.net (which I am not very comfortable with) and I've gotten... 'I don't know'-results. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/93679544/0ad-2-morecolorweirdness.png As you can see, the colors cannot be recognized because they are so dark they do look nothing like they should. This is the texture, actually the same as above, but I restarted it with the original healer texture from the SVN version. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/93679544/0ad-texture2.png Any ideas?
  4. Just a quick update. I've been trying around a little bit more and just erased half of the skin to see what playercolors I get. And for some reason, those freshly erased parts where looking like they should do. (except for the original stripe, which still looks too bright) https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/93679544/0ad-evenmorecoloroddness.png ...while on the white playercolor (and again, probably on the yellow one too) it's like nothing has changed on the skin. Now how is that possible? I could understand that it uses the robe's shape because the game still has the healer's robe texture and maybe the model is somehow linked with it, but I erased all those parts, how can they still have the brown color? It's hard to explain what I mean, I hope you get it anyway. How is it even possible that the parts with playercolor still have the robes' shape beneath them? I checked the whole art design document and the texture format page on the wiki, but I couldn't find anything that could be related to this. Maybe some of the artists here can help me out and tell me how they create new skins?
  5. Hey there, it's been quite some while since I've posted on here the last time. I also noticed that you already patched the priority problem which my other thread was about! It's nice to see how the game becomes better with every release. But onto my problem. This time it's about textures. I've been starting to simply paint over some body textures and it worked fine first. But now, I get weird problems with player colors and hair. Note: I didn't change any of the export settings while I exported the textures, the problems just started to appear for some reason. 1. Hair weirdness: the hair texture just stops before the alpha does and only lays the selected color on the head. But strangely, it works on the head it was made from just fine. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/93679544/0ad-hairoddness.png (Note: I know that this isn't the same head texture, but the one on the left had the exact same hair) 2. Player color weirdness: For some reason, I can't get the colors to work correctly anymore. (The guy on the left was done first, his player color is absolutely fine. The guy in the middle got the player color overbrighten (I've made sure there's not anything white on the alpha which could make it brighter, it's plain and simple transparent) and the guy on the right is the unmodified hellenic healer.) https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/93679544/0ad-coloroddness.png I also tried to go through the transparent stripe with the eraser-tool and also made the stripe wider, but the added alpha just became black with only very little player color in it. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/93679544/0ad-morecoloroddness.png Note that the Gaia color (white) and yellow somehow look better. And these are my DDS Exporter settings in GIMP. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/93679544/DDSExporterSettings.png I've also tried using DXT1 and 5 instead but it didn't help. I'm at a loss. Can anyone tell me what's wrong? Best Regards
  6. Hm, whatever, I'm sure you guys get to 'fix' this anytime But while I'm at it, where are the unit files located at? EDIT:: @Quantumstate: Yeah, I thought the same. Yet it is still odd that it even didn't work when I renamed the folder ^^
  7. Okay, I've tried out what you told me, but it didn't work. However, creating a new civ and using added tracks for them is no problem. Replacing files that are already in the game (e.g. music files or scripts, like music.js) doesn't seem to work.
  8. I'm still looking for the problem, I can't seem to find it. Can nobody help me?
  9. They are exactly the same, to test it I put all the files from the game into that new folder and renamed it to public (calling it 'internal' also worked), and then it worked. I could hear all the tracks I changed. But why does it only work when I replace the files? 03/02/2012 : Does no-one have an idea?
  10. Hi there, I've been trying to mod the game by creating a new folder in the mods folder (where you find the 'public' folder as well) and calling it gen. In that folder I put the audio/music folder and changed the main menu and hellenic peace tracks, then I created a new shortcut from pyrogenenis.exe and added -mod=gen. But when I start it, nothing has changed, all the tracks are the same. What did I do wrong? Do I have to change anything else?
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