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Everything posted by infyquest

  1. did anyone test the post processing engine committed by myconid today...... I wanna see screenshots
  2. No please, we can push the current revision after review. We can open new defects/bugs for the existing issues with the patch
  3. Article about military equipment of mauryans http://www.historum.com/asian-history/40710-military-equipment-organization-army-mauryan-india.html
  4. You can also add Bindusara to the heros list, the second emporer of Maurya's, who also expanded the territory very much.
  5. |I agree with Geek, Two Heros would be a) Chandragupta Maurya - Founder Asoka - Its greatest ruler and warrior I disagree with Chanakya or Kautilya - He was a teacher and poineer in the field of economics and politics. He is not a warrior, but a great political scientist. I would like him to be a special hero. He will become available if the special building called library is built. This unit will help in improving the economy and diplomacy rather that be of military use. I will have to find some of my old history text books. I can try to help with some building references for Mauryan architecture eg: Mahabodhi temple. Also they should have unique stances (alternativly called as Vyuhas)
  6. it seems bbcode is not working on certain posts please check also can we have a button for editing posts instead of a hyperlink
  7. Now the implementation of technologies is full swing. A change in naming convention of phases might be an issue. The town_phase or city_phase has been changed to phase_town/phase_city in template files. But it has not been changed in certain files like GuiInterface.js, test_GuiInterface.js
  8. The contributors.txt has not at all been updated for a long long time It should be updated with a lots of names.......I guess
  9. for #1258 do I need to paste the commands into the chat window The terrain analysis stuff.... a) for detecting water based terrain (to place docks) terrain based passability and obstruction map (Have a separate land based and Water based or the maps should be made so that to incorporate both Land/Water data) this help's in implementing a naval variant of qBot
  10. Where is the TODO I will wait till technologies you are working goes into the tree. After that is it possible to add terrain detection functions in the core
  11. I too would be not much free the next week. I might be probably be put some time into qBot in 2nd or 3rd week of April By then I hope the new api goes in. So I can work on the new api on qbot
  12. where is the todo list for qbot.... sorry was too busy with personal life
  13. We need to have a hit and run tactic for raiding purpose (a separate module). Also we need to put high priority for military buildings and farms in the early game.
  14. host your code on github, so others can look into it and send you updates
  15. I have shamelessly copied the code for treasure hunting from the wraitii's new bot (Marylin). I am giving the link for the code, http://pastebin.com/PK78eMXY (updated version, a slightly btter one) Please test it.
  16. Well, I have been asking for a way to detect for water for use in qBot. I will probably use your crate code in qBot
  17. you need to download daily snapshots of the source. sometimes projects like sdl dont have latest snapshots. hence i am against it and other reasons like some patches which are not in the main tree of original libraries might be needed, etc. I vote -1 for that proposal of having separate script to download sources and compile them
  18. We need to upgrade the premake to latest version, there are some patches to support xcode4 (fixes a regression)
  19. I think in qBot, we also need to take care of below in ALPHA 9 attack bonuses,the idle workers if resources are not theretrade or barter handling allies
  20. see the new config.js file and please post your comments
  21. added a config.js file http://pastebin.com/vCrGg2t4 need to modify the rest of the code, check it out
  22. i know why it builds fortresses, coz its in the two lists the advanced building lists and the separate list for fortress. We might need to remove it from advanced list
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