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Posts posted by JuliusColtranePille

  1. Hello again. Here is the Iberian rms. I want to do a Carthaginian one next time but I have no idea about it. So your help is appreciated.

    Players start near the shores of the Mediterranean sea and the river flows between them. The map is nearly flat without hills. I'm looking for any bugs or problems you find.


    Link to Download

    i'm glad to see your random map scripts coming...

    unfortunately i do not have the time currently to learn how to make them, although i am very thankful for your description. next holidays i will begin to study it!

    continue please making those great RMSs!


  2. i played with hellenes and carthaginians against persians or as persians against those two factions (qBot, a lot of maps). i had the impression that the infantry of the persians in particular is weaker. but i guess it's the special feature of the persians that their infantry is inferior but cheaper?!

    later qBot used the persian cavalry which is relatively strong but still no match against the than cheaper greek hoplites and peltasts.

  3. hey dear community,

    as the games makes a very enjoyable progress with every alpha i was very happy to hear that for alpha 8 atlas should work on the mac. unfortunately there is no (afaik) compiled version of atlas in the community.

    has anyone a playable version of atlas?

    could anyone contribute?

    in my eyes, scenario editors where always one of the greatest things in RTS-games.

    warm regards,


  4. They are functional! Use the drop on the upper left corner during match making and change it from "Scenario" to "Random". There are 4 random map scripts right now.

    Asking the main developers: Would you like to add my random maps into game? It seems I've found a good way to help develop 0 A.D. :D. I can even create more as I've got familiar with the game's rms coding.

    yeah, there are 4 you're right. but they tend to be quite similar. i would rather like to have a random-map script in which every map looks really different. like in the older AOE-games... would be cool.

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