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Everything posted by Swellick

  1. Well... I guess that turns a page on the history of my genius... *deep breath in* Eahha *deep breath out* AHhha___ I THINK I'll make a post at the battle forums - GARRRAG
  2. Well, I guess I learn something new every day! FACINATING!!!
  3. Glad you like this idea, I hope both games use it.
  4. I think this could be made to be workable, It would be interesting too. I have always wanted to be able to 'sack' a city.
  5. I also used kazaa - I didn't like it. I seemed a little unfair for something thats not freeware, it seem somewhat dangerous, and I have a modem - all these things made me quit. Not that I like to buy stuff, but I feel better that way. Furthermore, if you ever needed support...
  6. Okay, maybe your right that games haven't topped off... BUT let's see if 0 A.D. uses my idea...
  7. I came up with this idea as an alternative to buying villagers, some liked it, some disliked it, so I thought a poll might help.
  8. Gotta Hand it to ya - I love the Realism, Eye candy and Units too! Though I must say I like microminding myself, though, the classics are fun to play if you just want to sit down and have fun. Have you played Lords of the Realm II - My FAVORITE, all the while, EE comes in Close!
  9. Cool! Germans have all the best scientists - but the Gallileans were computer geeks
  10. Thanks! I hope this idea will be able to be reasonable... I shall FULLY enjoy this idea! be sure to add other interesting and reasonable ideas.
  11. Hey! I've just though of an idea on how to use fourm points! What if a 'store' was added to WFG's website and people could spend ponints on things like 'buying' a 0 A.D. CD - the CD would be mailed to him from the nearest 0 A.D. member. Or another one is what if someone could buy a modpack - for example: he says I want the Greek archer to look like this - he would include a vivid description from which one of WFG's staff artists would draw a concept art that would be emailed the the buyer, the buyer would then say if it look right or needed certain adjusting - and then the modeling team and texture team would finish it and it would be emailed to the buyer. These are just 2 suggestions for the store, I am sure that there would be many more - that is IF WFG accepts the idea. Also,things like buying a CD would be very expensive to your point buget - just so you don't get flooded with requests for things like this. Also, this is not real money - just forum points - real money would cause lots of problems. Questions? Comments? Bugs?
  12. I didn't the achaeologists did - I heard about this from a guy that was traveling around churches trying to prove creation. And just so you know - forgot to mention earlier - it is real I have seen the picture, and scientists have rebuilt it to prove if it worked - it worked. The machine is unexplainable without the picture, but it did have a type of electricity, gears that were able to make calculations, and a input and output system - think of it like a calculator with a bunch of gears, and without a fancy diplay and keyboard. Oh, also it was enclosed in a clay box. Well, now you know and you can be better suited for the future! Furthermore, ENIAC was the greatgrandad of the modern computer, so you did get it partially right! Don't sweat I forgive you, but I'm beging to wonder if you might not have messed it up.
  13. I think he meant 'N'ear future - funny . So whats this about donating - how does it work - did Black Op really get $10 dollars?
  14. Hey everybody! I decided to change my Post answers to 10 - this will make them last longer, and more people can enjoy them. Oh, Couger's not in trouble anymore. From Quack- Edited this post and combined it with the double post, next time use that "edit" button
  15. That is the most ridiculos thing I have ever heard! RTS are not supposed to have nusery rhymes - he he. Everyone doesn't understand though villager Birthrates are controlled at the capitol - if your going to war simply type 0 in the bottom UI when the capitol is slected, and that entirly stops the birthrate - to start it up again simply type in the number you want, if you want new villagers to be created in a certain individual part of the map - tough send old villagers there instead or try to increase the brithrate in that area by building a temple. This means LESS microminding you only have to slecct one building to create your entire populace, while all the while staying factual.
  16. Sorry about that wijit - I though that Couger messed it up. I'll wait for all 5 replies before posting the answer - that seems reasonable 5 questions 5 answers. What would you have said anyway Wijit?
  17. Absolutly! I like it! lets see what the creators think! Be sure that nations vary though, like the Greeks should have a good spearman for milita(Hopilite)say the best at 1/3 as good, and the romans ,who are professional soldiers, have a lower end unit say 1/7th as good - just a thought.
  18. Rember you don't spend reasouses on a villager - you only increase birthrates. Furthermore, when I said nearest villager for recuiting I meant anywhere - you always seem to end up killing villigers anyway. This will mean less of that you recruit a villiger instead of butchering them. Also, You set the birthrate at the capitol to whatever you want say 100 citizens (the birthrate works up to that) by typing it in at the lower UI - if you need more change it, if you need less butcher or recuit.
  19. Ad – I know that you can’t worry about cutting individual cornstalks but equipping soldiers is a good idea (just kidding). Also, I’m not a RTS fantasy type of guy I’m talking more about 0 A.D. - of course you can use these ideas on anything. Have games reached the limit of ingenuity, has the pinnacle been reached? Perhaps I am overly concerned about RTS repetitive syndrome, but where will a NEW game begin? Freeware is an excellent place to start: you have plenty of time, money is not an issue, and the big businesses have a hard time being revolutionary because it is so hard to test new things in our competitive world. Hey, I know that you can’t use every new idea and suggestion, but where will tradition end and revolution rise? Look at Rick Goodman – he had a revolutionary idea with AoE I see what happened? You (WFG) have an excellent opportunity to explore new ideas that the market can’t produce. WFG has so much potential if only you would use it. One day if any of us that are involved with WFG become a computer game designer this game will invariably help us – you would know that this idea is going to be a smash hit, or a solid flop. If you have put so much work into your game, can’t you put in the extra mile just to see if it’s a success – that’s what’ll make your game that much better than everyone else’s – the guts to take the risk. Again see what happened with Rick? See what happened with Myst? Look at the big picture – Leave RTS for the moment, and go to RT (Real Time) and maybe this is the threshold of a wonderful opportunity to explore, if failure – then who cares it was fun to make, and maybe you enjoy playing it right, and you know that it doesn’t work so if you become a designer that’s one less thing to worry about. Can Wildfire Games begin the revolution that forever changes gaming?
  20. I'll just stick with the town bell. Though this might be an interesting option that would be different for some nations, such as the Celts - who were good weekend warriors - might have a better foot unit, or the Huns would recuit a crappy horse unit? On the whole it might be a better idea.
  21. Black Op - Remeber villagers birthrate only reaches 100% after the defeat of units. Thats precicly why I made a victory the most assuming, also this would increase the game speed as a whole - think about it. Recruiting(I forgot to mention) would be the same as the regular game, except that a villager the nearest villager would be recrutied - simple. Well?
  22. Don't put in any relevant comments - Couger is in trouble . What insect is responsable for the word 'bug'. A.Ant B.Moth C.Ccoocckkroach('bug' prevents Correct spelling) D.Locust E.Mite
  23. We need one more reply, but Couger might have ruined it so I'm just going to post the answer: Short answer - A.Israel Long answer - No the abacus - built by China - was not a computer, a computer is run by electricity to do math, everything you do and see is done by hudreds if not thousands of calculatoins. No, ENIAC was not the FIRST computer! Gallilean fishermen on the Sea of Galilee nearly 4,000 years ago built a basic ELECTICAL computer for navigation and mapping - it had two small batteries made from copper, I can't go into all the details, but its quite facinating. Cool Huh?
  24. I feel the same way. Muliplayer is to easy anyway - I can't find anybody good enough to play, so I just Wooop the Comps Hinne!
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