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Everything posted by The_Avenger

  1. More eyecandy, the better. Never enough in any RTS game. Apart from the standard stuff, you can expect, like for AoE and AoK, that people will want to make historical scenarios based on the period with 0AD with the editor. Things like well-made tents/camp equipment, palisade walls, palisade towers (for Romans), various flags, small bridges, market stalls, etc.
  2. You know, if the engine is designed to accept such a thing, it wouldn't be too much trouble, I'd think. (go prove me wrong, then. ) It's a simple matter of modified track camera plus zoom in. It'd be wonderful for scenarios, certainly. Maybe real games if you are ten seconds from winning.
  3. Tonto, that was supposed to be to Dark. I've seen this in some custom RM scripts, and it is a nice change from the usual and allows for more active games. However, I"m not sure if this should be for every 0AD team game.
  4. The usual stuff, like map size, at least eight players, deathmatch, of course. I'd appreciate a "speed lever" - from, say, -100 to 100, with 0 the default, where you can adjust the speed of the game (by this production/building time) to -100% (half) or +100% (twice) the speed. Heck, why not a special 5x or 10x speed fast mode, much like AOM's lightning? It's not very popular in AOM, though, but you could simply throw in the speed bar and not bother balancing the game at different speeds, like ES. Regicide from AOK would be a nice idea, or utilising the potential border system to have a territory grab mode, where the more territory you have, hmm, faster resource gather, a pop count bonus, or something along those lines. I also like Zezar's idea of starting out with your army, to recreate some historical battles or have the extreme DM fun. Hmm... from my experience, Tripod, most econ modes in games fell apart because they were boring to everyone, even most econ/boom lovers. Unless WFG wants to cater to the type of gamers that align their sheep in a row and sort their cows by colours, perhaps a more dynamic sort. Out of ideas there, though.
  5. 2000. As I understand it, many still shirk the XP because it changes many files and functions around, and programmers who deal with windows often get annoyed, and some people also experience problems with it. Nevertheless, with new computers shipping with XP you can expect casual users to keep it, and as time goes on you can expect the more experienced users to deal with the change in the OS and move on. By the results of the poll, I'd say this is already happening.
  6. Well, to demonstrate that the public announcement wasn't completely useless, hello, here's a new member. I'm Avenger, from aomh, fph, currently dormant arcane studios, mainly, so an AOM background. Let's see how long I last before I'm banned. *grins* So, to the point, I'll agree with CheeZy that it would be excellent to have something original. Now, I wonder if it is realistic, and useful gameplay-wise to create a "border", or rather a radius around your starting spot to prevent rushing. For starters, the only reason in history that Hannibal had to go around Spain, or Mithridates could not attack Rome right away, was because there were all the other cities, military fortresses, and the distance inbetween - that's what border means, further you are from it, more of your own troops and buildings you have to guard you. But in RTS, when you start off, you dont'have that, you start off in, so to speak, the Rome of the 12-13th century. Borders wouldn't make sense. But then, it really is okay if it's good gameplay-wise, right? So let's get into that. First off, I'll state my view that rushing is a fun, and ultimately, necessary, part of RTS. Perhaps not as much as AOM, or whatever game you find where fighting begins after six minutes. But certainly, even Civilisation has rushing; it's one of the most efficient and popular strategies and should not be neglected. However, rushing, so to speak, needs to be balanced. One might say that AOM went a bit over the top, since a successful rush could easily mean a siege at your hometown. A rush should be more of a raid-style thing, to keep you on your toes and to make you lose some resources, units, buildings or time, but not something that should keep all your citizens huddled up and unable to do anything. CheeZy's ídeas are very good, and ditching the border system creates a useful game mechanic to prevent "overpowered" rushing. I'd also like to suggest some things. Keep in mind that I haven't played RoN, but heard of some things vaguely, so this might be my memory pulling something out of there. - Distance. As your units travel further from your key buildings (obviously not any building), the weaker they get by some disadvantage, a stat decrease or anything. Since a quick rush on your enemy can only be described as, say, Xerxes marching to raid Rome, realistic and keeping a leash on the rushing. This factor would gradually nullify itself as your towns grow larger, and certainly there should be a large radius around key buildings where you don't have any adverse effects (or even benefits, like in EE?) so that this isn't too annoying. - Road System. Think of Civilisation; you move faster on roads. This doesnt have to be roads, but any sort of good terrain to mark the benefit; then having each building (or key building) have a radius around it for roads would mean that it would take longer to trek across the wilderness between you and your enemy to rush, and even harder to return, should your enemy strike your home base in that moment.
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