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  1. @Ndragu, don't worry about the bugs, you're here to learn (I still make off-centered mistakes quite often lol) Probably the parented props to an empty wasn't a problem, I just mentioned because I don't usually see that. The best way to check how is imported into the game is trying by yourself. Luckily here are two tutorials for you to test adding props ingame. (just try with little test-assets to see which problems you can find) You can ask any doubts/problems here if you encounter any. The tuts made by our team member Pureon: http://trac.wildfire...DImplementation (just skip the blender edition part, the rest is the same) http://www.wildfireg...42 Definitely looking better with playercolor on the sails. Nice work! @Lion.Kanzen I don't think adding symbol variations on the sails will help to identify which faction owns the ship, but that's my personal opinion. @lilstewie The fish boat sail don't look so triangular, I kind of like it deformed by the blowing wind. I would leave it as it is now.
    1 point
  2. Ok, I put it in-game and here are some mistakes to learn from them -Origin point was under the waterplane (below origin coords). Looks like the deck is full of water: -The props were parented to "box012" and "Mesh" empties (there should be parented to the actual mesh named "untitled") maybe it's caused by the exporter, I don't really know. -The ship was not centered at origin coords (0,0,0) so the ship turned from a wrong pivot point. -It was facing the wrong direction (just rotating the whole ship 90ยบ before exporting fixes this) I fixed this issues and here's the final result: I added the fishing ships to compare scale. The model looks great, but maybe the whole ship needs to be scaled up, but I don't know how big the actual ships were. And we're going to need playercolor on the sails definitely, what do you think?
    1 point
  3. Here's what I have so far. I couldn't find any Mauryan round shields, so I used the bell shaped one and the tall round one. I also added a weapon rack. I hid the sails to better show prop placement.
    1 point
  4. Ok! Been nusy with work lately but i'm back again! I've made a couple of changes to the sails, rigging and goods.Tell me what you think! The triangle count so far is 1248 without goods and 1928 with. This bothers me a bit. Should I try the propping plugin? Please advise me on this. Thanks for your honest feedback btw!
    1 point
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