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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2012-12-13 in all areas

  1. Just a few days ago, we made it once more to the top 100 indie games on Indie DB! Thanks for your support, but we need your help to vote for us one more time to win a top prize. Please vote for us in the second round of the Indie of the Year contest. Under "Upcoming games of 2012", under "Real Time Strategy", you need to click the word "VOTE" on the left of "0 A.D." Thanks in advance, and may the odds be ever in 0 A.D.'s favor.
    1 point
  2. Josh, Ludo, In my opinion, the market should be a modest structure filled with stalls bazaar-style. I don't see the point of barrel roofs above the market. In addition, none of the props that you place under that roofs will be seen from the camera point of view. Here are some stalls concepts:
    1 point
  3. I finally got it working reusing Pureon's persian rig and animations. I'll make the chariots a little bit bigger and try to fix the (reocurring) playercolor transparency texture issue:
    1 point
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