The Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus is too non-special, as are some obscure buildings on the Theban or Spartan acropolis. Wonders need to be recognisable. No use in using a structure no one has never heard about. The Statue of Zeus, the Circus Maximus and the Oracle of Delphi are famous and well-known. We don't want to have a player research the origin of that building first. And so, to choose meaningful wonders, we have to sacrifice some historical accuracy. I still think there could be alternative wonders for water maps for some civs. The most obvious would be the Cothon for Carthage instead of the Mausoleum and the Lighthouse for Macedon instead of the Library. That way, naval maps would give those civs an advantage, which would be historically based. I could also see the Colossus of Rhodes added for one of the Hellenic civs, preferrably Athens. Anyone interested in that idea? Other than that, I agree with you, Iskandar.