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Toggle diplomacy colors considering changes of alliances?

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The possibility to toggle diplomacy colors helps to keep oversight. In the below example I "convinced" the former enemy (the Britons) to become my ally. We still show up as different teams 1 and 2, which makes sense, as anytime this coalition could break. So changing the team numbers dynamically based on who is ally or foe of whom does not seem to make sense.


However, when toggling the diplomacy colors, this could be considered. Currently, it is not:


Now, if the toggled diplomacy colors considered it, the row for Dubnovellaunus could appear in another, e.g. green, color - until the alliance breaks up.

Do you think that this would make sense, help the gameplay, and would be technically possible to achieve?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts!


PS: If you wonder about the broader diplomacy screen: It's my attempt for an amendment to allow for longer leader names to avoid being cut off (aesthetically not yet convincing ;)).


Edited by Ceres
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