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0ad uses llvmpipe graphics driver instead of amdgpu Radeon RX 6600


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I just got a new computer with a Radeon RX 6600 and a Ryzen 9 5900x, running Ubuntu 22.


I have the snap version of 0ad installed (from ubuntu software center) and when I open 0ad I get the following warnings:

WARNING: You are using 'llvmpipe (LLVM 10.0.0, 128 bits)' graphics driver, expect very poor performance!

WARNING: If possible install a proper graphics driver for your hardware.


And the game only runs at 16 FPS on minimum settings, which is worse than my 5 year old laptop :-(.


When I run “lspci -k | grep -EA3 'VGA|3D|Display'” I get:


Subsystem: Sapphire Technology Limited Navi 23 [Radeon RX 6600/6600 XT/6600M]

Kernel driver in use: amdgpu

Kernel modules: amdgpu


which seems to indicate Linux/Ubuntu is using the correct graphics card and driver. In the Tomb Raider benchmark (Installed through steam) I get 270 FPS, and it runs cool as a cucumber, so I think it’s a snap/0ad issue and not with my system in general.


Any idea what’s going on?

I’m not using a VM or anything weird ;-)


I tried doing an installation with a simple:
sudo apt-get install 0ad
With this installation, I don't get the warnings, I get frame rates of ~60 and it seems much smother so far.
So I think Stan is on to something with the snap theory.


As unrelated bonuses, when not installed as a snap, it seems I can finally run /usr/games/pyrogenesis, so I can package mods :-D, and the .desktop entry for 0 A. D. shows up, when I search for "0ad" (I don't have to search for "0 A. D.")

Edited by thehiggsfield
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I tried doing an installation with a simple:
sudo apt-get install 0ad
With this installation, I don't get the warnings, I get frame rates of ~60 and it seems much smother so far.
So I think Stan is on to something with the snap theory.


As unrelated bonuses, when not installed as a snap, it seems I can finally run /usr/games/pyrogenesis, so I can package mods :-D, and the .desktop entry for 0 A. D. shows up, when I search for "0ad" (I don't have to search for "0 A. D.")

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  • thehiggsfield changed the title to 0ad uses llvmpipe graphics driver instead of amdgpu Radeon RX 6600

That looks like a snap-specific problem indeed. Let's see if we can figure it out.

Can you run the game with a terminal running

journalctl -f | grep DEN

in parallel, then exit the game and share the output of that journalctl command here?

Edited by oSoMoN
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"journalctl -f | grep DEN" gave me:
Mai 21 15:11:42 [My Computer] audit[7070]: AVC apparmor="DENIED" operation="open" profile="snap.0ad.0ad" name="/etc/openal/alsoft.conf" pid=7070 comm="main" requested_mask="r" denied_mask="r" fsuid=1001 ouid=0
Mai 21 15:11:42 [My Computer] kernel: audit: type=1400 audit(1653138702.526:99): apparmor="DENIED" operation="open" profile="snap.0ad.0ad" name="/etc/openal/alsoft.conf" pid=7070 comm="main" requested_mask="r" denied_mask="r" fsuid=1001 ouid=0

I have sanitized the output by replacing my computers name with "[My Computer]".

For good measure 0ad gave me this:

TIMER| InitVfs: 518.359 us
Writing the mainlog at [~]/snap/0ad/354/.config/0ad/logs/mainlog.html
TIMER| CONFIG_Init: 1.5187 ms
Sound: AlcInit success, using OpenAL Soft
amdgpu: unknown (family_id, chip_external_rev): (143, 60)
libGL error: failed to create dri screen
libGL error: failed to load driver: radeonsi
UserReport written to [~]/snap/0ad/354/.config/0ad/logs/userreport_hwdetect.txt
WARNING: You are using 'llvmpipe (LLVM 10.0.0, 128 bits)' graphics driver, expect very poor performance!
WARNING: If possible install a proper graphics driver for your hardware.
TIMER| RunHardwareDetection: 3.20613 ms
TIMER| write_sys_info: 16.1679 ms
TIMER| InitRenderer: 1.44949 ms
TIMER| ps_console: 1.28264 ms
TIMER| ps_lang_hotkeys: 1.51863 ms
TIMER| common/modern/setup.xml: 76.565 us
TIMER| common/modern/styles.xml: 52.038 us
TIMER| common/modern/sprites.xml: 624.329 us
TIMER| common/global.xml: 129.203 us
TIMER| common/setup.xml: 104.778 us
TIMER| common/sprites.xml: 224.774 us
TIMER| common/styles.xml: 28.714 us
TIMER| pregame/backgrounds/: 56.537 us
TIMER| pregame/sprites.xml: 66.956 us
TIMER| pregame/styles.xml: 9.548 us
TIMER| pregame/mainmenu.xml: 12.7238 ms
TIMER| shutdown TexMan: 0.762 us
TIMER| shutdown Renderer: 496.647 us
TIMER| shutdown SDL: 947.899 us
TIMER| shutdown UserReporter: 112.222 us
TIMER| shutdown ConfigDB: 71.384 us
TIMER| resource modules: 320.339 ms
TIMER TOTALS (9 clients)
  tc_pool_alloc: 25.902 kc (26x)
  tc_png_decode: 3518.55 kc (2x)
  tc_dds_transform: 15.54 kc (14x)
  tc_transform: 376.845 kc (6x)
  tc_plain_transform: 350.057 kc (6x)
  tc_ShaderGLSLLink: 0 c (0x)
  tc_ShaderGLSLCompile: 0 c (0x)
  tc_ShaderValidation: 619.676 kc (2x)
  xml_validation: 150.442 kc (1x)
TIMER| shutdown misc: 3.01432 ms

Where [~] is the path to my home folder.

I also stumpled uppon the file "/snap/0ad/current/usr/share/libdrm/amdgpu.ids", which seems to contain a list of graphics cards, where I can not find my graphics card.
No I idea if it's relevant, but just thought it would be worth mentioning (-: .


Edited by thehiggsfield
I meant "can not" not "can"...
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  • 2 years later...

In my case, using apt with the official PPA solved all drivers issues for the same latest version that is offered by snap.

First, I've removed the game from snap to prevent any conflicts.

sudo snap remove 0ad

Then, added the offical PPA repository, re-updated apt to recognize it and install:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:wfg/0ad
sudo apt update
sudo apt install 0ad

Adding the PPA installs the latest alpha (currently, alpha 26)

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