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0 A.D. Screen Goes Black


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UPDATE:  I right clicked the launcher and told it to run in discreet graphics and it works fine now.  Go figure. We'll see how long this lasts though. I'll report back.

Please don't slam me, even though it'll be tempting. LOL
This thread has been dormant a while. I get that.
I have this same issue, but I'm on Ubuntu 24.01 LTS and the "fixes" don't apply to me.
Like the OP I played the game for a couple of hours after I installed it yesterday and suddenly today it's exhibiting the stated behavior. It started when I used the editor to create a single player campaign... saved it, quit. Upon launch it came up with garbage on the screen. I rebooted, and now I get the random black screen, usually with the cursor. I hit the Command/Windows key, which shows me the running apps, and it usually shows me what should be displaying in the game. I even clicked a menu item and it opened the game again and I could see it long enough to click another menu item - which wasn't to run the game/campaign - and it went black again. It is so not consistent.

Here's the bigger difference - I'm on an old iMac. o.O  Remember, no slamming!  Fact is, that means the hardware is actually common and consistent - AND - it was working fine.

The first thing I thought to do is check the logs. But where are they? I also thought to delete any cache or temporary config file, but again, the locations stated in this thread don't exist for me. 


Edited by Max38
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