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Should I Submit An Aok Mod With Aok Alpha Stuff?

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Well I know I havn't been active for months already as a WFG member(discuss this in the "Any Of The Old Folks Around?" thread), but this topic is of a different matter.

I have still been having the graphics.drs files from both the AoK Alpha and Beta versions for a long time now. I still remember when The_Piemaster, who was a member of WFS(WFG's old name) in its early days, handed out copies of the graphics.drs' from his AoK Alpha and Beta versions to members of the team(eventually including myself) for use in projects such as RaW. Since then I've always been having those two .drs' in my possesion and I feel that it would be rather neat to expose both versions' forgotten contents to the AoK community in the form of modpacks.

We all know that RaW has a couple things from the AoK alpha and that two ES VIPs, Sandyman and Capt_Kidd commented on and loved the mod, so whew it's a wonder that this wonderful team never died out by getting in trouble with the law. But would submitting mods containing mainly graphics from the alpha and beta be a whole different story?

I especially expect Wijit to give his feedback.

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I dont think there would be trouble with it, actually I remember there was a mod with a lot of beta stuff, by Revned I think, and there wasnt any trouble. Also AOK is an old game, the vips and important people dont look at it anymore as it would 3 years ago.

Aga, btw, I would like to propose you something, if you are still interested in AOK stuff ;) do you?

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Hey SUD, well Revned's mod didn't have much in it that was actual stuff from the alpha drs. These buildings in this screenshot


I know were taken from an old AoK fansite that had a section with pics of old pre-Alpha building artwork.

However, my mods(because of the 2mb file size limit for submissions) will have alot of early alpha and beta graphics, buildings, and units that were long forgotten, like the jannisaries with the cone hats and the goth berserker(early huskarl).

SUD, yep I saw that thread of yours about bringing the 0 AD mod project for AoK back from the dead if that's your proposal. ;) Some really cool Poser units you got there.

Also SUD, I see you're also into heavy metal, just like I am, btw.

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Yeah Aga, I really don't think you would have any problems with this at all. AoK was made in 1998 or 1999 I think? Now its about 5+ years old. The any development to AoK has came to a complete hault about 2 years ago, especially now that AoM is running its last leg with the realease of the expansion pack this summer. My guess is that ES will be announcing AoE III or whatever their new project is by March if not sooner.

Anyway, with all that said I really don't think ES or microsoft cares that you would use any of the alpha or beta graphics as long as you make mention that they belong to ES and you don't take credit for making them.

Like you said, if someone was going to get into trouble for using that artwork it would have happened 3 years ago with the release of RaW.

I'd say there is only a .000001% chance you would see any legal trouble. If worse came to worse they would just ask Heaven Games to cease hosting the mods ;)

Go for it man, I'm sure the AoK community would love it. I think they would also love to see that Russian mod you were working on B)

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Wijit, I also wonder if announcing my secret that I have the graphics.drs from the Alpha and Beta to the modding community would violate the CoC and would get me banned. Hmm.

Ahh, yes the Russian mod. I wonder when will I ever get my attention span together to get that thing finished. Recently I've worked on it some during July and August, before my attention span faltered again. ;)

Wijit, can you also PM me the new password for WFG's FTP? I still have some screenshots from my two recent mods in there but the old password to the FTP doesn't work anymore.

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Ok, I will make a cavalry vityaz.

Also I would prefer to make this one of the picture above in poser as the jaguar warrior, in my opinion the goth berserk looks small and a little cheesy.. but you decide.

And what about the monk and the plummed archer? Is the plmmed archer going to be a cavalry archer? I am not sure if I already have the skills to make a guy shooting a bow from a horse, but I could try ;). And the monk, it should be easy to make an orthodox priest

Btw, Wijit, excusez moi for the delay in doing celtic buildings sketches but I dont have a scanner yet! B)

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The problem is when you get a unit with red or blue parts and try to make it player color for AoK, most times only a part of the player color changes when you change ownership, I dont know well how to deal with the Aok palette, so I make the frames ready to import in MPS and then it's your work ;)

Btw, I am quite forgetting about player color in the RAW/0AD mod, most units I am doing are non player color or non changeable red.

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