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Hey Yall! Long time no see...

Well I just came up with an awesome defence system. Here's how it works: you have 10 levels of defence, all buildings can be defended, there are 2 types of defence - Military and Home - Military, any military building can defend itself better than home - walls, towers, barracks, stables, etc. Home, cheaper and easier - all economic buildings. Levels of defence, take a tower, for example, when you click on the tower it will show attack, range, HP, but there will be a level button, this button shows its level. If you click this button it will upgrade the level of defence for a price: stronger HP, greater garrison level, and different graphic. Defencive stuctures are worthless until they are garrisoned, garrisoning does not count toward your pop. You see, the level system starts out, garrison 5 and ends up garrison 30 - making an impossible defence, but this is kept in check beacause of the enomous price by that time, and that would be only 1. At level 10, a tower is called a castle, the most powerful Military building, trains several types of units. Another thing this does, is take a basic town centre, equivalent of a settlement in Empires, if this building reaches level 10 defence, it becomes what is called a citadel - the most powerful military or enconomic building, garrison 40, it trains citizens, and 1 infanty, cavalry and artillary type - self sufficiant.

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Mr. Swellick welcome back. We misssed you. :)

Interesting idea you have there but seems quite complicated. I would not require military buildings to be garrinsoned but have it optional to sevre as a boost to a tower's defense if needed. Instead of levels, just require the player to upgrade a building to its upgraded version (think AOE/AOK) manually.

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