Thomas1206 Posted May 3, 2020 Report Share Posted May 3, 2020 Hey, if anyone could help that would be great. I get the following error message when I start the game. Thanks in advance. Assertion failed: "cache.Validate()" Location: cache.cpp:43 (x86_x64::AddCache) Call stack: x86_x64::AddCache (cache.cpp:43) cache = 0x009FE520 -> m_Level = 3 (0x00000003) m_Type = kUnified m_NumEntries = 524288 (0x00080000) m_EntrySize = 64 (0x00000040) m_Associativity = 0 (0x00000000) m_SharedBy = 1 (0x00000001) x86_x64::AMD::DetectCacheAndTLB (cache.cpp:202) regs = eax = 10478988 (0x009FE58C) ebx = 16196803 (0x00F724C3) ecx = 10478988 (0x009FE58C) edx = 16077519 (0x00F552CF) x86_x64::DetectCacheAndTLB (cache.cpp:624) descriptorFlags = 0 (0x00000000) ModuleInit (module_init.cpp:47) initState = 0x01099DD4 -> 4294867266 (0xFFFE7942) init = 0x00F723F0 -> (x86_x64::DetectCacheAndTLB) x86_x64::Caches (cache.cpp:654) idxCache = 2 (0x00000002) initState = 4294867266 (0xFFFE7942) topology::DetermineCachesProcessorMask (topology.cpp:392) cachesProcessorMask = 0x01098654 -> 0 (0x00000000) numCaches = 0x010985D0 -> 0 (0x00000000) cacheRelations = m_caches = (vector<topology::CacheRelations::SharedCache >) topology::InitCacheTopology (topology.cpp:450) ModuleInit (module_init.cpp:47) initState = 0x010985CC -> 4294867266 (0xFFFE7942) init = 0x00F56150 -> (topology::InitCacheTopology) topology::NumCaches (topology.cpp:457) RunHardwareDetection (hwdetect.cpp:310) LINE_202_ = m_t0 = 0.606127 (0x3FE365651456CF1A) m_description = 0x0101EB84 -> "RunHardwareDetection" rq = mContext = 0x07815D40 -> (JSContext) global = { (js::ValueOperations<JS::Rooted<JS::Value> >) } stack = 0x81818080 -> (unavailable - internal error) prev = 0x83838282 -> (js::RootedBase<void *>) stack = (unavailable - internal error) prev = (unavailable - internal error) ptr = (unavailable - internal error) ptr = data = asBits = -8680821844409482108 (0x8787868685858484) s = { payload = i32 = 2240119940 (0x85858484) u32 = 2240119940 (0x85858484) boo = 2240119940 (0x85858484) str = 0x85858484 -> (JSString) sym = 0x85858484 (see above) obj = 0x85858484 (see above) cell = 0x85858484 (see above) ptr = 0x85858484 (see above) why = -2054847356 word = 2240119940 (0x85858484) uintptr = 2240119940 (0x85858484) , tag = -2021161338 } asDouble = -2.17437e-272 (0x8787868685858484) asPtr = 0x85858484 (see above) caps3 = 2139061886 (0x7F7F7E7E) un = sysname = "Win8.1" nodename = "DESKTOP-G6IJHJN" release = [9] { 0, 189, 189, 190, 190, 191, 191, 192, 192 } version = "6.3.9200" machine = "x86" file = m_Buffer = (shared_ptr<unsigned char>) m_BufferSize = 12383 (0x0000305F) code = (unsupported basic_string<char,char_traits<char> >) tmpVal = { (js::ValueOperations<JS::Rooted<JS::Value> >) } stack = 0x8D8D8C8C -> (unavailable - internal error) prev = 0x8F8F8E8E -> (js::RootedBase<void *>) stack = (unavailable - internal error) prev = (unavailable - internal error) ptr = (unavailable - internal error) ptr = data = asBits = -7812739770352562032 (0x9393929291919090) s = { payload = i32 = 2442236048 (0x91919090) u32 = 2442236048 (0x91919090) boo = 2442236048 (0x91919090) str = 0x91919090 -> (JSString) sym = 0x91919090 (see above) obj = 0x91919090 (see above) cell = 0x91919090 (see above) ptr = 0x91919090 (see above) why = -1852731248 word = 2442236048 (0x91919090) uintptr = 2442236048 (0x91919090) , tag = -1819045230 } asDouble = -2.27107e-214 (0x9393929291919090) asPtr = 0x91919090 (see above) caps0 = 2105375868 (0x7D7D7C7C) scriptInterface = m_CxPrivate = { pScriptInterface = 0x009FE690 -> m_CxPrivate = { pScriptInterface = 0x009FE690 (see above), pCBData = 0x97979696 } m = (unique_ptr<ScriptInterface_impl,default_delete<ScriptInterface_impl> >) m_rng = 0x9B9B9A9A -> lcf = _x = (unavailable - internal error) m_CustomObjectTypes = (unsupported map<basic_string<char,char_traits<char> >,ScriptInterface::CustomType >) , pCBData = 0x97979696 (see above) } m = (unique_ptr<ScriptInterface_impl,default_delete<ScriptInterface_impl> >) m_rng = 0x9B9B9A9A (see above) m_CustomObjectTypes = (unsupported map<basic_string<char,char_traits<char> >,ScriptInterface::CustomType >) settings = { (js::ValueOperations<JS::Rooted<JS::Value> >) } stack = 0x07815D74 -> 0x009FE6AC -> (js::RootedBase<void *>) stack = 0x07815D74 (see above) prev = 0x00000000 ptr = 0x06B61A60 prev = 0x00000000 ptr = data = asBits = -515283477920 (0xFFFFFF8806B61A60) s = { payload = i32 = 112597600 (0x06B61A60) u32 = 112597600 (0x06B61A60) boo = 112597600 (0x06B61A60) str = 0x06B61A60 (see above) sym = 0x06B61A60 (see above) obj = 0x06B61A60 (see above) cell = 0x06B61A60 (see above) ptr = 0x06B61A60 (see above) why = 112597600 word = 112597600 (0x06B61A60) uintptr = 112597600 (0x06B61A60) , tag = -120 } asDouble = -1.#QNAN (0xFFFFFF8806B61A60) asPtr = 0x06B61A60 (see above) caps2 = 2307491976 (0x89898888) caps1 = 2341177994 (0x8B8B8A8A) InitGraphics (gamesetup.cpp:1004) args = (unavailable) flags = (unavailable) installedMods = (unavailable) profilerGPUEnable = (bool)0x9F setup_vmode = false context = "h7" buf = [500] 61476 159 0 0 4 1 4 0 61488 159 0 0 ... context = "h7" context = "h7" rq = mContext = 0x0014B1D8 -> (JSContext) setup_gui = (bool)0x74 data = { (js::ValueOperations<JS::Rooted<JS::Value> >) } stack = 0x00000000 prev = 0x00000018 ptr = data = asBits = 985040 (0x00000000000F07D0) s = { payload = i32 = 985040 (0x000F07D0) u32 = 985040 (0x000F07D0) boo = 985040 (0x000F07D0) str = 0x000F07D0 -> (JSString) sym = 0x000F07D0 (see above) obj = 0x000F07D0 (see above) cell = 0x000F07D0 (see above) ptr = 0x000F07D0 (see above) why = 985040 word = 985040 (0x000F07D0) uintptr = 985040 (0x000F07D0) , tag = 0 } asDouble = 4.86674e-318 (0x00000000000F07D0) asPtr = 0x000F07D0 (see above) scriptInterface = (shared_ptr<ScriptInterface>) e = 0x009FF7B4 -> (exception) m_msg = 0x001746F8 -> "C" RunGameOrAtlas (main.cpp:632) argc = 1 (0x00000001) argv = 0x002A0008 -> 0x002A0028 -> "C:\Users\Thomas\AppData\Local\0 A.D. alpha\binaries\system\pyrogenesis.exe" replayFile = path = (unsupported basic_string<wchar_t,char_traits<wchar_t> >) separator = 47 ('/') modsToInstall = (unsupported vector<Path >) scriptEngine = (Singleton<ScriptEngine>) m_Runtimes = (unsupported list<JSRuntime const * >) args = m_Args = (unsupported vector<pair<CStr8,CStr8> >) m_Arg0 = path = (unsupported basic_string<wchar_t,char_traits<wchar_t> >) separator = 92 ('\') m_ArgsWithoutName = (unsupported vector<CStr8 >) res = 2.77778e-010 (0x3DF316B7E5807CA5) modPath = path = (unsupported basic_string<wchar_t,char_traits<wchar_t> >) separator = 61171 paths = m_root = path = (unsupported basic_string<wchar_t,char_traits<wchar_t> >) separator = 8 m_rdata = path = (unsupported basic_string<wchar_t,char_traits<wchar_t> >) separator = 0 m_gameData = path = (unsupported basic_string<wchar_t,char_traits<wchar_t> >) separator = 2047 m_userData = path = (unsupported basic_string<wchar_t,char_traits<wchar_t> >) separator = 0 m_config = path = (unsupported basic_string<wchar_t,char_traits<wchar_t> >) separator = 2 m_cache = path = (unsupported basic_string<wchar_t,char_traits<wchar_t> >) separator = 72 ('H') m_logs = path = (unsupported basic_string<wchar_t,char_traits<wchar_t> >) separator = 1 replay = m_Stream = 0x3DF316B7 -> (basic_istream<char,char_traits<char> >) mod = path = (unsupported basic_string<wchar_t,char_traits<wchar_t> >) separator = 8 zip = path = (unsupported basic_string<wchar_t,char_traits<wchar_t> >) separator = 3632 mods = (unsupported vector<CStr8 >) paths = m_root = path = (unsupported basic_string<wchar_t,char_traits<wchar_t> >) separator = 46335 m_rdata = path = (unsupported basic_string<wchar_t,char_traits<wchar_t> >) separator = 0 m_gameData = path = (unsupported basic_string<wchar_t,char_traits<wchar_t> >) separator = 63236 m_userData = path = (unsupported basic_string<wchar_t,char_traits<wchar_t> >) separator = 63400 m_config = path = (unsupported basic_string<wchar_t,char_traits<wchar_t> >) separator = 1520 m_cache = path = (unsupported basic_string<wchar_t,char_traits<wchar_t> >) separator = 12698 m_logs = path = (unsupported basic_string<wchar_t,char_traits<wchar_t> >) separator = 53248 builder = m_VFS = (shared_ptr<IVFS>) m_Files = (unsupported vector<Path >) m_TempDir = path = (unsupported basic_string<wchar_t,char_traits<wchar_t> >) separator = 0 m_NumBaseMods = 1 (0x00000001) installedMods = (unsupported vector<CStr8 >) installer = m_VFS = (shared_ptr<IVFS>) m_ModsDir = path = (unsupported basic_string<wchar_t,char_traits<wchar_t> >) separator = 0 m_TempDir = path = (unsupported basic_string<wchar_t,char_traits<wchar_t> >) separator = 61440 m_CacheDir = path = (unsupported basic_string<wchar_t,char_traits<wchar_t> >) separator = 16798 m_InstalledMods = (unsupported vector<CStr8 >) paths = m_root = path = (unsupported basic_string<wchar_t,char_traits<wchar_t> >) separator = 46335 m_rdata = path = (unsupported basic_string<wchar_t,char_traits<wchar_t> >) separator = 0 m_gameData = path = (unsupported basic_string<wchar_t,char_traits<wchar_t> >) separator = 63236 m_userData = path = (unsupported basic_string<wchar_t,char_traits<wchar_t> >) separator = 63400 m_config = path = (unsupported basic_string<wchar_t,char_traits<wchar_t> >) separator = 1520 m_cache = path = (unsupported basic_string<wchar_t,char_traits<wchar_t> >) separator = 12698 m_logs = path = (unsupported basic_string<wchar_t,char_traits<wchar_t> >) separator = 53248 SDL_main (main.cpp:680) argc = 1 (0x00000001) argv = 0x002A0008 (see above) main_utf8 (sdl_windows_main.c:126) argc = 1 (0x00000001) argv = 0x002A0008 (see above) wmain (sdl_windows_main.c:151) argc = 1 (0x00000001) wargv = 0x00143540 -> 0x00143548 -> 67 (0x0043) wenvp = 0x00149F48 -> 41000 (0xA028) argv = 0x002A0008 (see above) retval = 0 (0x00000000) i = 1 (0x00000001) CallStartupWithinTryBlock (wseh.cpp:364) ret = 15984464 (0x00F3E750) RtlGetAppContainerNamedObjectPath (:0) RtlGetAppContainerNamedObjectPath (:0) errno = 0 (No error reported here) OS error = 203 (The system could not find the environment option that was entered.)" 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Stan` Posted May 3, 2020 Report Share Posted May 3, 2020 Hey, Sorry for the inconvenience, you can try the following fix, or just click continue when the popups come out. We are currently investigating this issue with AMD. On 2/29/2020 at 12:43 PM, Stan` said: Okay then replace all the contents of %localappdata%\0 A.D. alpha\binaries\system with the attached zip: 36.15 MB · 99 downloads Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thomas1206 Posted May 3, 2020 Author Report Share Posted May 3, 2020 Thanks a lot it's working now! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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