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Problems with 0AD


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So I have a friend who cannot run 0 AD and wants to play with us in multiplayer games I was curious is someone could help?


System specs of friend:

CPU: AMD Ryzen 9 3900X 12-core

GPU: Nvidia GeForce RTX 2080 Super 

RAM: 4x8GB DDR4 Viper Cyber Power 

OS: Windows 10 64-bit


Error code when game is launched (using most recent revision):

Assertion failed: "cache.Validate()"
Location: cache.cpp:43 (x86_x64::AddCache)

Call stack:

x86_x64::AddCache (cache.cpp:43)
cache = 0x010FE3A0 ->
m_Level = 3 (0x00000003)
m_Type = kUnified
m_NumEntries = 1048576 (0x00100000)
m_EntrySize = 64 (0x00000040)
m_Associativity = 0 (0x00000000)
m_SharedBy = 1 (0x00000001)

x86_x64::AMD::DetectCacheAndTLB (cache.cpp:202)
regs =
eax = 17818636 (0x010FE40C)
ebx = 3548355 (0x003624C3)
ecx = 17818636 (0x010FE40C)
edx = 3429071 (0x003452CF)

x86_x64::DetectCacheAndTLB (cache.cpp:624)
descriptorFlags = 0 (0x00000000)

ModuleInit (module_init.cpp:47)
initState = 0x00489DD4 -> 4294867266 (0xFFFE7942)
init = 0x003623F0 -> (x86_x64::DetectCacheAndTLB)

x86_x64::Caches (cache.cpp:654)
idxCache = 2 (0x00000002)
initState = 4294867266 (0xFFFE7942)

topology::DetermineCachesProcessorMask (topology.cpp:392)
cachesProcessorMask = 0x00488654 -> 0 (0x00000000)
numCaches = 0x004885D0 -> 0 (0x00000000)
cacheRelations =
m_caches = (vector<topology::CacheRelations::SharedCache >)

topology::InitCacheTopology (topology.cpp:450)

ModuleInit (module_init.cpp:47)
initState = 0x004885CC -> 4294867266 (0xFFFE7942)
init = 0x00346150 -> (topology::InitCacheTopology)

topology::NumCaches (topology.cpp:457)

RunHardwareDetection (hwdetect.cpp:310)
LINE_202_ =
m_t0 = 0.584196 (0x3FE2B1BC80796217)
m_description = 0x0040EB84 -> "RunHardwareDetection"

rq =
mContext = 0x0873FD00 -> (JSContext)

global =
(js::ValueOperations<JS::Rooted<JS::Value> >)
stack = 0x81818080 -> (unavailable - internal error)

prev = 0x83838282 ->
(js::RootedBase<void *>)
stack = (unavailable - internal error)

prev = (unavailable - internal error)

ptr = (unavailable - internal error)

ptr =
data =
asBits = -8680821844409482108 (0x8787868685858484)
s = { payload =
i32 = 2240119940 (0x85858484)
u32 = 2240119940 (0x85858484)
boo = 2240119940 (0x85858484)
str = 0x85858484 -> (JSString)
sym = 0x85858484 (see above)
obj = 0x85858484 (see above)
cell = 0x85858484 (see above)
ptr = 0x85858484 (see above)
why = -2054847356
word = 2240119940 (0x85858484)
uintptr = 2240119940 (0x85858484)
, tag = -2021161338 }
asDouble = -2.17437e-272 (0x8787868685858484)
asPtr = 0x85858484 (see above)

caps3 = 2139061886 (0x7F7F7E7E)
un =
sysname = "Win8.1"
nodename = "DESKTOP-0MN4EC5"
release = [9] { 0, 189, 189, 190, 190, 191, 191, 192, 192 }
version = "6.3.9200"
machine = "x86"

file =
m_Buffer = (shared_ptr<unsigned char>)
m_BufferSize = 12383 (0x0000305F)

code = (unsupported basic_string<char,char_traits<char> >)
tmpVal =
(js::ValueOperations<JS::Rooted<JS::Value> >)
stack = 0x8D8D8C8C -> (unavailable - internal error)

prev = 0x8F8F8E8E ->
(js::RootedBase<void *>)
stack = (unavailable - internal error)

prev = (unavailable - internal error)

ptr = (unavailable - internal error)

ptr =
data =
asBits = -7812739770352562032 (0x9393929291919090)
s = { payload =
i32 = 2442236048 (0x91919090)
u32 = 2442236048 (0x91919090)
boo = 2442236048 (0x91919090)
str = 0x91919090 -> (JSString)
sym = 0x91919090 (see above)
obj = 0x91919090 (see above)
cell = 0x91919090 (see above)
ptr = 0x91919090 (see above)
why = -1852731248
word = 2442236048 (0x91919090)
uintptr = 2442236048 (0x91919090)
, tag = -1819045230 }
asDouble = -2.27107e-214 (0x9393929291919090)
asPtr = 0x91919090 (see above)

caps0 = 2105375868 (0x7D7D7C7C)
scriptInterface =
m_CxPrivate = { pScriptInterface = 0x010FE510 ->
m_CxPrivate = { pScriptInterface = 0x010FE510 (see above), pCBData = 0x97979696 }
m = (unique_ptr<ScriptInterface_impl,default_delete<ScriptInterface_impl> >)
m_rng = 0x9B9B9A9A ->
lcf =
_x = (unavailable - internal error)

m_CustomObjectTypes = (unsupported map<basic_string<char,char_traits<char> >,ScriptInterface:

(says continue, break, supress, or exit underneath this but none of them actually let the game start)


Any help would be GREATLY appreciated :)

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