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On angry clapping hands for animations.


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Well, I was reading the Bible some day and found a verse in wich clapping hands were shown as means to show disrespect to others or to scoff at someone or somewhat's downfall (in that case, it was Jerusalem). Researching a while, I found that clapping hand where actually used in twofold ways, for expressing anguer but also to express joy (as with playing music) in the Bible but in Mesopotamia, too. This could sound as good news for those who are tired of seeing the "VICTOREEEE!!!" animation wich comes sometimes after a unit kills some other one on its own (I'm referring to that small jump that comes after a 1-to-1 combat to celebrate victory -nevertheless it seems to me to have seen this before only in the case of greek and roman civs).

It would be interesting to see this working as a variation (for the sake of modellers) in the midwest civs.


Edited by diego-blaster
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They aren't celebrating victory or kill , they are celebrating a level up ( rank)

You can provide more info like time frame , I mean where in the bible you read that

Edit1 Remember we don't have Israelian/Judean civilization in the game and needs bee in timeframe 500 BC - 1AD. If is in the New Testament

Edit 2. I see Mesopotamia civilization huh, the problem here we don't have pure mesopotamic civilization in game. We have persian, but they are far, they are from Persian gulf, the Seleucid but they are Hellenistic mixed with Middle East and Carthaginian, their founders were from Lebanon and with Semitic herency.

In your source , says is a Akkadian tradition from Mesopotamia this is about 3000 BC-1500 BC

A several years before 500 BC. And says books like Ezekiel and Jeremiah the time from Prophets and Kings in Israel 1080-620 BC the probabilities are less.


I have Mod with this time frame, called Aristeia

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Thanks. First for the info, wich was great. I must congrat for your work modding at Aristeia. Thanks also for the rank up explication for all the cheering stuff. I didn't now, as you have may noticed because it doesn't seem as obvious as one would want.

About the biblical references, I found a couple in Salms and specially one in Lamentations. It was from this one where my interest started, because of the hypothesis in my head that maybe and only maybe there did actually exist a widespread use of the costume in the Levantjudging by the verse in Lamentations that brought up to my attention.

"All that pass by clap their hands at thee; they hiss and wag their head at the daughter of Jerusalem, saying, Is this the city that men call The perfection of beauty, The joy of the whole earth?" - Lamentations 2:15

Remember we are talking about people writing from Mesopotamia under the reign of Nebuchadnezzar II. Also, Wikipedia says:

"The language fits an Exilic date (586–520 BCE), and the poems probably originated from Judeans who remained in the land, although scholars are divided over whether they are the work of one or multiple authors" (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Book_of_Lamentations)

(They cite somebody else)

Well, it makes it pretty near to 500BC. The before mentioned article in fact just highlighted that even if the uses of the clapping hands remained changing in the ancient Levant as are today, the manner was registered many times in Levant' s history. SO, my question is, why it is not in 0 ad; more generally, why there aren't another many tipes of interactional of conductual stuff institutionalized by time or by the state in cult, medicine or battle. I hope this didn't sound as an angry question, cause everything requires time and I myself don't know how much time does it take to make awersome animations for ancient peoples.

There are a lot of references more (biblical and extrabiblical) in the above first link (the article). The Mesopotamian sources... yeah, those are pretty far for 0 ad, but if what you say is right about Selleucids (and I'm not doubting at all it is), so what about adding not just this thing but also many other strange but interesting manners to animations in some decently far future? It could help, apart from the language difference, to stand out what's specific about every culture or even cultural setting.

Edit: I was researching a while. The bible version I used was KJV and for that version there is also a complement in e-Sword for old hebrew traduction I also used. The verb "to clap" in old hebrew is said to had been pronounced "saw-fak" or "sahfak"... the definition says as follows (Strong Dict.):

saw-fak', saw-fak'

"A primitive root; to clap the hands (in token of compact, derision, grief, indignation or punishment); by implication of satisfaction, to be enough; by implication of excess, to vomit: - clap, smite, strike, suffice, wallow."

I hope this to be of interest.

Edited by diego-blaster
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