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Pharmakovouni Map Testing


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Hello everyone !
This is my first post in the forums and this is also my first map for 0 A.D.
The map called Farmakovouni* , which the greek name of a Mountain in Greece. Despite of the name , this map has nothing to do with the real location in Greece and I just used the name because I am from Greece myself and I figured it would make a good name.

I hope you like map and any suggestions and feedback are more than welcomed!

Now a couple of things about the map:

This is a 2 player map and there is another (Gaia) faction in the middle of the map which represent the locals inhabitants of this place.The locals , have plenty of army plus walls , so taking them down early in the game won't be possible , but once your army is big enough , capturing(destroying) their base could be vital to win the game , since it would provide you both a strategic location for your base and there are plenty of resources/treasures there.

Despite the fact that the map represents a snowy mountain place , there are many resources , so the players won't have any difficulty advancing quickly.

Installing the map: I have attached the two map files in a .zip which you should extract and place the map files into your \Documents\My Games\0ad\mods\user\maps\skirmishes .



*Just for those who are interested or curious , Pharmakovouni (as a word) is a combination the of two greek words "Pharmako" (means poison) and "Vouno" (means mountain)

Edited by pkyrkos7
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I understand what you mean and perhaps Phi (and 'F' could be matched with 'Φ' , 'V' with 'Β') would be more proper , but there are various ways which you can "convert" greek words to latin/english ones and I am not entirely sure which is the best one. I think "Farmakovouni" (instead of "Pharmakonbouni" ; "Parmakonbouni" is hardly correct I think) since it's the pronunciation of the word when you read it in English is the same as in Greek but from a vocabulary perspective, "Pharmakovouni" may be better.Anyways , I hope I didn't sound confusing but Greek is a complicated language... :P

Edited by pkyrkos7
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I've talked with a friend of mine , who is very familiar with English and of course Greek, and he said that the most proper would be Pharmakovouni.Anyway it's just a name so I may change , if there are any suggestions about the map as well so I don't upload the map many times.

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