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AOE I vs. AOE II Mod: Possible?


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Would it be possible to use the 0 AD engine to create a faithful recreation of both the original Age of Empires / RoR's civilizations, and Age of Kings / TC's civilizations, so that they could fight each other?

As in, the civilizations from each game have all of their original units, unit costs, tech trees, differently sized buildings (and elephants!), different "ages" with different costs, different unit behavior (for instance, no formations in AOE I), different peasants with distinct gathering rates, etc.?

Personally, I think it would be VERY cool to watch an AOE II player try to deal with his AOE I opponent's ultra-cheap infantry death machines, or an AOE I player trying to figure out how he can defeat AOE II's ridiculously powerful buildings.

Imagine British longbowmen vs. Roman legions. Celt woad raiders getting minced by Carthaginian centurions. Trebuchets knocking down ballista towers in two shots. Debates about whether AOE II's advantages in archery upgrades cancel out AOE I's cheap, massively upgraded infantry swarms. Bronze age rushes vs. castle age turtles. Heavy catapults trying to destroy the ridiculously overbuilt AOE II castles.

It would be a perfect blend of nostalgia and the chaos of trying to figure out how two great games stack up head to head for the first time. Lots of experimentation, old strategies made new again, etc.

But is it possible?

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