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My first map from scratch: "Civitas Taunensium"


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After making my first steps with the Atlas editor by simply converting one of my old favourite Scenarios into a Skirmish map (see also attached, credit should remain to the original author), I have now created my first map from scratch, named "Civitas Taunensium". This is a Scenario featuring the Romans against two Germanic tribes (represented by the Gauls here). Description:

"The fertile plains between the Taunus mountains in the west and the Vogelsberg vulcanic ridge in the east were vital to the ambition of the Roman Empire to expand on the right bank of the Rhine. Secured by the Limes Germanicus, many settlements, forts and farms were situated in an area which finally fell to invading Germanic tribes around 250 AD when Rome retreated to the Rhine river again."

The map has some reference to the real world geographically (actually only a few milia passuum from were I live) but does not aim to be historically correct. It is loaded with resources, not very well balanced and far from being professional, but maybe it's fun for you to play and explore.

EDIT: Moved the screenshots to external links to reduce size of attachments.

- watching the border

- the stone circle

- of wolf and man dead.gif

- repairs at the gate

- farmland

- mountain range

Civitas Taunensium (Scenario).zip

Mediterranean Coves (3) (Skirmish).zip

Edited by Beorn
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Based on above Scenario I also created a Skirmish map now, where you can easily change the civilizations, teams, pop. limits and starting resources ingame. I kept the Roman siege walls for the outer perimeter but changed the inside facing parts of the wall to the default walls of the player, so they can be easily extended. Consequently, the Spartans will have no inner perimeter walls. No champion units here on start.

Civitas Taunensium (1v2) (Skirmish).zip

Edited by Beorn
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