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I love this game, for me, is the best, but it has one drawback is the optimization, I have a pretty bad computer not two but they both begin to slow down in the game you could not fished a little attention to optimizing ask you.If you have any news on this Tell for more ... I also brought about six friends all like but then again optimization makes them disgusted.

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A simple question, what kind of programs to optimizated games using the big commercial studios?

Smart people who think of efficient algorithms. :P

Most of the bottleneck right now is pathfinding. The current pathfinder is a fairly naive A* pathfinder, and is pretty slow. A lot of games either use A* with a quadtree (SC:BW I think, and AoM and some others) or HPA*. The new pathfinder will use JPS, a newer approach that is at least as fast and has some other nice properties. Commercial games also do some clever tricks to make the pathfinder faster. Some of those might already be implemented in 0 A.D. actually, it's just that the short-range pathfinder is too slow for them to be particularly noticeable.

I'm not sure how things like the range manager are handled in commercial games - given that they are proprietary as opposed to open source that would be very difficult to figure out.

Most big games also use highly optimized renderers, although ours is reasonably fast right now it would be nice to move to a tried-and-true renderer like Ogre3D, but that would be extremely difficult.

Edited by alpha123
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