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Issues With Playing In The Miletus Map


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I find the following issues while playing the Miletus map.

1. Units can survive underwater.

To replicate this,

a. Create a Medium Warship

b. Create 30 Units

c. Garrison these 30 units into the warship

d. move warship to different location and dock ship to shore

e. Unload garrisoned units

--------- You will notice that some of the units are unloaded under water. These can be selected individually.

--------- You will notice that the number of units that are unloaded are lesser than the 30 units that were garrisoned.

--------- You will notice that the units under water can move about under water and there seem to be a boundary that

cannot be crossed. That is, a unit that has been unloaded near shore cannot cross over to deeper parts and

similarly, a unit that has been unloaded in the deeper parts cannot cross over to the shallower parts near shore.

--------- When unloading units, the units are unloaded on both sides of the ship. Therefore, some are unloaded under

underwater. If I could suggest, when unloading units from any water borne vessel, the vessel should be aligned

parallel to the shore, and the units be unloaded on the land side.



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Yeah, ship garrisoning isn't really implemented yet. They just use the building garrison system for now, so it's bound to have issues like this until we get a garrison system especially for boats. That might take a while though as it has to include things like moving the unit/s and boat to a place where they can "meet" etc, so we've included the current version to have some garrisoning functionality, and to make it possible to get to islands on the Miletus map and others. For now, if you have units underwater that you want to get back on land again just garrison them in the ship again and unload (make sure there is enough space on the shore for them to unload on).

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