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1 vs 5 very hard aggressive AI


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I have been playing hundreds of games of 1 vs 5 very hard aggressive AI.  I think I have reached a bottleneck.  I am sharing my findings and see if other players have played similarly with different strategies.

Game setting:

My civ: Han
AI civ: Mauryas (for their archers and champs)
AI mode: Very hard, aggressive
Map: Mainland normal

1 vs 3 is quite practical.  If played well, one can use sword cav to run around the map and kill all units quite quickly.

1 vs 4 is still practical.  Use sword cav to kill two of them, use spearman to defend the other two.  Boom up and attack with full upgrades + heroes + champ cav.

For 1 vs 5, if played really well, one may use sword cav to kill one neighbour.  The other four AI will send reinforcements there, and your sword cav can kill them conveniently as well.  Use spearmen (with sword cav) to defend the CC. Slowly boom up equally with spearmen and sword cav, and attack with full upgrades + heroes + champ cav.

Then I tried the same strategy to play 1 vs 5 Macedonian and I found that sword cav is super weak towards pikemen.  When against < 5 spearmen, I can often use 20 sword cav to attack head on.  However, when fighting with pikemen, they are like invincible meat shield.  What's worse, Macedonian AI seems to attack very early at minute 6 when I have only very few infantry, while Mauryas usually attack after minute 8.

On the other hand, playing 1 vs 5 with defensive strategy is super difficult.  While you are booming with infantry, 5 armies will attack you.  It takes so long to kill the pikemen.  They ruin both your army and economy, and you just couldn't recover quick enough.

It appears that Han vs 5 Macedonian very hard aggressive AI is impossible.  The bottleneck is pikemen.  Any good strategies to fight pikemen?

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