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A27: Scenario Editor crash upon picking unit


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8 hours ago, Stan` said:

Can you give more info? userreport_hwdetect.text  what you're doing etc

No such file.

I choose a unit (say, default cavalry) and the editor crash with nothing in logs. In A26 on OpenGL it also crashed btw, i have ryzen 7600 radeon 7800 on pop22.02 with mesa on x11 plasma.

Edited by Lech
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17 minutes ago, Lech said:

No such file.

It's created on startup. https://gitea.wildfiregames.com/0ad/0ad/wiki/GameDataPaths should give you it's hidden location.

Also my bad it's .txt :)

19 minutes ago, Lech said:

. In A26 on OpenGL it also crashed btw, i have ryzen 7600 radeon 7800 on pop22.02 with mesa on x11 plasma.

Is it a flatpak, a snap, native package ?

Can you launch the game in the terminal to see if you have any extra output?

Can you run in gdb to get a backtrace ?

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30 minutes ago, Stan` said:

It's created on startup. https://gitea.wildfiregames.com/0ad/0ad/wiki/GameDataPaths should give you it's hidden location.

Also my bad it's .txt :)

Is it a flatpak, a snap, native package ?

Can you launch the game in the terminal to see if you have any extra output?

Can you run in gdb to get a backtrace ?

Ok, found it. It's snap, but 26 was flatpak. There is only 25 native, didn't installed it.


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31 minutes ago, Stan` said:

You might try the 27 flatpak we recently updated see if it fixed your issue.

I'm not sure popos 22:04 would work with a ubuntu 24:04 ppa but it might work to get a native package.

@oSoMoN could you check Atlas with snap when you have some time?



I see only 26 on flathub. I tend to not use ppa, especially with such version mismatch, as popos wait till their cosmic de is on par to base itself on 24.04.

But in game it's 27. I'll check.

Edit: checked, still crash upon loading any map with units or trying to add an unit myself.

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antialiasing = "msaa8"
currentcampaign = "new_maps_1739035677981_95004"
gui.gamesetup.enabletips = "false"
gui.session.defaultformation = "special/formations/null"
gui.session.respoptooltipsort = "-1"
gui.splashscreen.enable = "false"
gui.splashscreen.version = "f2c86bbbf6198abf8b1b2e4664bb054b"
modio.disclaimer = "3d59c1168232a88d964bf8e18cb69d52"
playername.singleplayer = "whatever"
rendererbackend = "vulkan"
shadowquality = "2"
shadowscutoffdistance = "364.51611328125"
sharpening = "cas"
sharpness = "0.5023040175437927"
textures.maxanisotropy = "16"
userreport.enabledversion = "0"
userreport.id = snip

Is my user.cfg

Still crash.

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1 hour ago, Stan` said:

Does the game work with OpenGL? The map editor is stuck with OpenGL.

A26 where the crash occured too worked just fine with opengl. I'll check a27, but i expect working ogl too (game, not editor).

Yep, A27 game works just fine on opengl.

Btw, why can't i import map between snap and flatpak, why one have numbers .xmb after regular name.xml ?

Edited by Lech
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