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i have 0 AD working on my computer =)


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well after a few minutes of tempering with both linux and that broken executable that some people posted here

i have

0 AD workin on my computer

first impretions

1º prety nice game i like the grafics and the type of game your still trying to do

2º still a unfinished game btw what type of help do you need

3º pathfinding is a bit unfinished

4º animations their exelent they could be faster just faster i quinda see the hoplites attacking with a very slow animation but the animation itself is good, just type the fastfoward

5º maybe increase houses capability to alow for more units currently you have to build tons of houses to get anything worth of units done

and you fill in so mutch of your inicial territory that your economy is almost nonexistent

meaning i want to spam more =P, maybe instead of making one peltast or hoplite they could come in groups of 3? dunno just a sugestion...........

6ºTHIS in terms of modeling/art is very close to completion in my opinion ^^ just fix the pathfinding and the fact you cant choose diferent factions,(im playing an old version maybe this is all fixed ???????)

and the houses thing and you have a nice game for multiplayer =D

anyways congrats i realy love the game ofc it needs work, but in terms of the amount of buildings and unit variety its very close to a BETA

if you could tell me where the pathfinding related files are i could have a look ........depends i havent touched pathfinding since MEDIEVAL II modding days, so wont promise mutch

Anyways Congrats ^^

heres some screenshots



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Congrats on getting the game working! As far as technical issues like slow animations and pathfinding functionality, we're quite aware. This "release" of sorts is intended for developers, and is still VERY much incomplete.

As far as help, we could use a few more experienced programmers that are familiar with C++. The engine's learning curve often detracts a potential contributor's interest in joining.

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hey scifi. Nice screenshots. I have been waiting for some people to post some screenshots. You need to turn your anti-aliasing on though. lol

All the aura circles in the first screenshot made me laugh. I am sure in the final release you won't see the circles (except for gathering auras of course), but for now it's good for developers to see the circles and make sure they are working properly.

I see the dock does not properly latch onto the shoreline.

About training more troops, WFG has a concept called "batch training" where players will be able to train more than one soldier at a time. The more you train the bigger discount you will get (to a point). This is only a concept so far and not implemented yet. However, when it is implemented, then you'll be able to spam units like crazy.

Edited by Mythos_Ruler
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in fact the dock i can even make it on land

well anyways i think im havin a game with a friend just for plain fun XD

im acustumed to dev sections and bugged versions i even play those more than actual good runing games

well anyways i was just reporting that it works nicely

C++ im still in the learning process so i wont be mutch help to you so the only thing i can say is keep up the good work ^^

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  scifi said:

im acustumed to dev sections and bugged versions i even play those more than actual good runing games

That's interesting. Way to go. Thanks for the compliments, it's very nice to hear the kind words from someone who has so much familiarity with how games are like when they're still in development.

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  • 1 month later...

Sorry for bumping in your post, but i can't find anything related to my issue in the forums and this is fairly recent post from someone testing the game. I have just checked out the svn and built it with VC2008 express on my XP SP3. It runs. I have also noticed problems with pathfinding and it also pauses a bit if i click to go somewhere far away (Athlon X2 4200+ btw).

I know it is not even alpha, but it seems you are able to play it. The problem i have, that units can't be killed. They either do no damage at all, or health bar goes to ~1% and stops. Wonder do you (or anyone else) had similar problem.

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Would you please make a new post about this error in the development discussion forum ( http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showforum=312 )? And include more info if you can. Does it happen on all maps?

I have not seen this problem, but perhaps others have :) Either way, it would be easier to be sure people sees your issue if you post about it in the development + technical forum (and also easier for others who might have the same issue).

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