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Hey Fred, I'm in charge of the stuff you're asking about. If you have any detailed questions, you can always PM me. Also, suggestions from everyone are welcome, as we're currently debating how exactly music will work in-game at the moment. The tracks on the music page are representative of styles, but maybe not how tracks will actually function in-game.

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Basically, I'm thinking about applying for a position in either the music department, or as an assistant producer (thought about programmer, but I don't think my abilities are up to it). Just wondering, which positon is in greater demand? Where would I be most needed? (If anywhere).

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Basically, I'm thinking about applying for a position in either the music department, or as an assistant producer (thought about programmer, but I don't think my abilities are up to it). Just wondering, which positon is in greater demand? Where would I be most needed? (If anywhere).

On the team, we've had a recurring discussion about the need for an actual music department per se. In the end, it's been whittled down to, well, just me planning the use of music and composing the stuff by myself.

We've had quite a few musicians onboard over the years, which has always led to the realization that, while more musicians means less workload, it also invariably leads to very little consistency in the music itself. So until I break my back on the task (which likely ain't happening until the game itself is near completion), we'll likely continue that strategy. If there's anything at all you can contribute on the programming side, I'd urge you to go for it, though.

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