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Found 2 results

  1. @LordGood You have done an amazing job with the Kushite architecture, and it's basically good to go. But if you have time, and since we're reaching new heights in historicity with this faction, I wanted to add my final list of suggestions for the buildings as well. I'll just discuss one building per post, and try to keep it as clear as possible. Sundiata's selected nitpickery, part 1, the CC: Please don't shoot me : ) Ok, so for the CC, I have no suggestions for the building itself, it's just perfect! One thing that bothers me is the way the steps are only at the front and don't go around the sides. Many of their important monuments were built on raised podiums (only a meter, maybe two high), and your steps represent that very well, if they go round the sides as well (not necessary for the back), and connect to that lonely little wall segment. Of all the buildings in the set, the CC is the best candidate for a finishing with white lime-plaster. Other buildings could also have white plaster, but the CC needs it in my opinion. Houses and other buildings covered with white lime-plaster are a sign of wealth. Also, most of the ruins of the palaces clearly indicate them being plastered white (and sometimes even coloured brightly). Lastly, the lion-statues . Lion statues are a lot more common than I originally realised (like really common), and lined the front of palaces, lion temples and even some townhouses had smaller versions lining their facades or flanking an entrance. A seated (upright) lion statue is a prop that should be used for the CC, lion temple, and even the harbour would look fantastic with a pair of them facing the water on either side of the structure. (I'm surprised that these people haven't been dubbed "The Lion Kingdom"...) So: Steps should go around the sides as well white plaster finish A row of Lion statue for the facade Please forgive my butchering of your model... Here's an amateuristic mock-up (colours all messed up, but you get the picture..): That's an actual lion statue from Naqa, if you're wondering My favourite lion statue from Jebel Barkal (the palaces there had many lion statues lining their outsides): I hope this public domain white plaster texture will come in handy:
  2. If I had a building design (mesh) and wanted to have a small piece of terrain adjust to a predefined layout that fit the building mesh what would I need to mod? This action would take place every time the player constructed this building. Can this be done through the XML files? For example, the terrain would adjust to create a small hill every time the player built a fort structure. Another example would be to combine props and a few small structures along with the terrain to create a fort structure.
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