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Hello everyone! I hereby present a 0 A.D. mod aimed at evaluating the rating of players. Official mod page on GitLab here. Introduction Before diving into the description, let me introduce the problem this mod aims to solve. In 0 A.D., the ELO system is used to rank players in the lobby. This is good; but is it representative of the players' skills? As you know, the rating system in 0 A.D. only takes into account 1v1 rated games. Team games do not contribute to the ELO score of a player, as well as 1v1 unrated games. Also, the scoring system only takes into account the outcome of a game (victory/defeat) and not the "performance" during the game. Can we do better? This mod uses statistics. It extracts data from all the replays of games you (the mod user) have played. So, if you have played 20 games (1v1s, team games, other..) with a player in the lobby whose name is (for example) strangeJokes, the mod will assign a rating to strangeJokes based on the 20 games you've played with them. The rating system The functioning of the rating system is described in detail here, but in short what it does is: it considers the average performance of the player during the entire game (and not only at game's end). the rating assigned to a player is a percentage: for example, a player with a rating of 5.00 performs a 5% better than other players on average, while a player with a rating of -5.00 performs a 5% worse than other players on average. you can customize the rating system by giving more importance to military, economy, exploration or other factors to the aim of calculating ratings. Keep in mind that this mod is based on statistics; data are taken from your (the mod user) replays. Statistics might not be fully representative of reality; therefore, a player's rating could be inaccurate, especially if you have played few games with that player. The more you play with a player, the more accurate the rating of that player is. Installation ‣Recommended: LocalRatings can be downloaded from the game menu: Settings > Mod Selection > Download Mods. ‣Alternatively: Click here to download the latest release. Install following the official 0 A.D. guide: How to install mods? Alternative downloads: Latest Release (.pyromod) | Latest Release (.zip) | Older Releases Latest version announcement Explanatory pictures Contribute The public repository is at this page. Everybody is very welcome to contribute, suggest, fork or simply give feedback. Have fun!
- 77 replies
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From today on ill start this thread for helping out people who set up tournaments or for anyone else who needs accurate description of players ratings rating. here are the rules: to become a judge you must meet the following requirements: must have an in game rating of over 1300 must be a consistent player who is aware of at least some of the players current skill. 1300+ players vote counts as 1 1500+vote counts as 2 1800+vote counts as 3 2000+ vote counts as 5 if you wanna be a judge write "i want to be a judge" in the comments if your reply gets more sad replies than happy reacts you are not a judge if it has more happy reacts you are a judge. you need at least 1 happy react even id give that if i see it you cant give it to yourself. to request a Vrating vote for yourself or anyone else these rules must be met: the requested player must be at least 1300+ as most 1300+ players who are the judges cant be aware of any ones skill who is below 1300 as they don't play together often. type in "i believe x players true rating is y" and give it a thumbs up wait for reactions to your comment.anyone can vote and anyone in need of this data can analyze it as they wish but Vrating will be only decided by the judges. to vote if you agree with one of the statement react with "thumbs up" do not react with thumbs up to more than one statement. if you disagree with the statement make a reply stating "no x players true rating is z" and give it a thumbs up. Please keep this thread clean of anything but what i have written you are allowed to write and if you want to post anything relating to this make a separate thread. judges in game rating will be overruled if they get a superior or inferior Vrating at least 10 points must be earned by a statement for it to be considered true.if 2 statements are evenly rated then that player will be rated x-y for example 1700-1800. if total reactions to a players rating amount to 10 then average of those statements and gets rounded down to the lower rating as 1400 is considered anyone between 1400-1499 average is calculated in relation to each statements thumbs up for example 6 thumbs up to 1500 and 4 thumb up to 1400 would be rounded down to 1400. if the majority voted statement reaches 10 or more thumbs up then it is absolute and any other statement will be irrelevant. judges cannot vote for their own ratings. ill try to keep up and list all the judges here(but if i miss some you can still see from their applications and reactions below) to become a judge judges:
Hello I've been playing two games today with player named tt48 using a16. My OS is Win 7 x64. I know nothing about his spec. Both games were hosted by him. Both he has lost and honourably resigned. Unfortunately even though games were set to be rated, our ratings did not change. There was no message from the bot about our games in the lobby and ratings stayed the same as they were before. I attach my commands.txt file if that would be of any help. Regards KG alias TotalNoobPL commands.txt