While playing the game I have noticed something very big and historically significant that seems to overlooked in 0 A.D: logistics. I have looked at a past thread about a similar idea but many players did not want to have starving units as it would add to much micromanagement.
I have an idea for a compromise between the hardcore rts fans and the casual players: a simpler logistical system.
My idea of how it would work is that there would be logistical support units , they would give a "well supplied" aura bonus to armies (and possibly give a weak healing aura too) near it but they would loose health slowly. When their health is depleted they would use the spawn entity on death function to leave behind an "empty" logistical unit. They would then have to travel back to a city to "refill" and become a "full" logistical unit. They would be settable on automatic paths similar to a trader in between a soldier a player specifies (who would probably be one in the center of an army) and they would go back and forth between a food drop site class building and the specified soldier, if that soldier dies then possibly repath to the nearest soldier to the one that died.