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Found 2 results

  1. Hello, I would like to be able to train more than one heroes. How could one do that ? Thanks for your answers
  2. 1.Suggestion (concept) Let's start another suggestion thread. Hoping that would profit someone. This time is about heroes (very underused unit, mainly to kill sieges ) so let's go. Currently, heroes have 4 variables: - Avaliability (where and when you can train him) - Cost - Unit power (Is not the same Elephant than Spear hero) - Bonus So my point is to, instead of making each hero a concret bonus, let's take a specific number more general bonus and make combinations. For example: - Think about 10 classes of total bonus/kind of Heroes - Each civ get a combination of 3 heroes In more concrete way (examples) - Champion: No real bonus other than stronger heroe unit stat - Governor: Economical heroe that with a boost of 15% bonus to nearby working units - General: Nearby battalion or units in formation get bonus on stats - Tactician: Bonus training a specific kind of unit (can be global while alive or nearby barracks) - Naval Commander: Bonus to boat when garrisoned - King: Ability to train personal guard in battle (limited to a small number) - Leader: Special activable ability (throw a spear, a war yell, etc) - Savior: Supporting heroe relating tech, healing - Rebel: Gives ambush ability to nearby units - Conqueror: Bonus to conquering rate to nearby units It could be some specific traits (like the unit trained of the king hero or the warrior ability) but the goal is to keep it simple for easier balance So civ 1 could have champion, governor and general, another one could have warrior, champion and naval commander, etc. 2. Current Design Document Summary of the current design document Britons heroes Carthaginians heroes Gaul heroes Iberians heroes Macedonian heroes Mauryan heroes Persians heroes Ptolomies heroes Roman heroes Seleucid heroes Spartans heroes 3.Sketch Classify all heroes with a historical view into one category isn't really easy, cause a lot of them were generals, but also tacticians, leaders, kings, and warriors. With this concept, only a few civs overlap their heroes. Some ideas about special civs features: - A civ with an emphasis on heroes that allow a secondary class. - Iberians could train two heroes instead of one. With the fact that all iberian heroes have the same Rebel class, this would encorauge a gameplay based on ambushes
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