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  1. - Post is updated to V2.1 (latest) Hi all, This is my first post ever here aswell as my first attempt on making a map. I wanna start off saying that i love the work everyone has done in this game so far. Ya'll are some smart folk Alright ill get to it. Rapa Nui (Easter Island) is the name of the map i created. Rapa Nui is the name of the people that live on this island called- yes you guessed it- Rapa Nui . Though its better known for it's nickname; Easter Island. Map discription; Map overview Rapa Nui topography Starting positions (Default) Area Preview I've captured the topography of the island best i could (also balance wise). I also wanted to match textures (Shape and textures should be more on par with the actual island as it is today) place Moai statues like it really is, but i do not have the resources or skill to obtain/make them. and i wasnt satisfied with the grass texture available. If someone could help me out on that, that would be awesome and I'll place the Moai's on the map. Though i understand alot of people are busy with higher priorities. For the people that are interested to help though, here is a to-do list (Updated list, V2.1); - Convert it to a skirmish map so you can choose Civilization/colours - Done - Grass textures that fit the Easter island style Not neccesary, but still welcome if you feel like you got better fitting textures - Moai statue models (Image in the spoiler below) - Critical for the atmosphere and uniqueness of the island - Explanation on how to make player 5 (Bot) garrison units in the ford - Fort is now garrisoned with 10 ranged units. - Explanation on how to create a foamy coast e.g. below For balancing, Not all hills/mountains (actually most of them should be Volcano's, same resource problem) are capped. Though the biggest ones are definetely there. I gave my own twist on Volcano Terevaka (It's still the biggest one ingame aswell as you can see), but the differences between all Volcanos/Hills/Mountains in height, are there (Ratio wise). To draw this island historically correct is hard, actually rather impossible. Because most of its history is actually speculation. Not to mention 3 vulcanos have been busy on that island for a while so no one really knows how it looked like when we talk about ancient times. Besides that, when i look at wiki, the dutch and english pages have rather opposite points of view. e.g. The english page says that there was pretty heavy cannabalism going on, the dutch page however completely throws that away. Saying that they were skilled farmers and knew how to survive well. Also anything related to nature that gets burned returns as even more furtile ground. Therefore the terrain is not accurately drawn but the shape is I'ts accurate (not perfectly) to how the island is today, but not historically (Impossible). At least i did my best and still gave it some of my own twists. I will still gradually update the map based on suggestions and/or ideas. Aslong there is a to-do list, this map is not 100% finished but it is playable. If you guys and gals like it i will expand it for more players. At least this makes a solid map for a good round of; THIS IS MY F***ing ISLAND! (I will delete this if it's not allowed to swear. At least i censored it :P). Extra information about the map: Well that's the story for this noob P.S. IM DYING FOR FEEDBACK- GUD OR BAT! P.S.S. English is not my native language, so excuse my england. Oops. Peace! - Grapjas Rapa Nui (Easter Island)[V2.1].zip
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