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Found 3 results

  1. 0 A.D. is a great game; but somehow, the general public is not aware of this. Previous attempts to rectify this situation have been ineffective in terms of publicity and management. With better organization, we can all enable the community to more efficiently utilize collaboration techniques. The 0 A.D. Community is growing; it is the right time for us to move the next step. We all want to move forward quickly, therefore we should all want to move forward together. Many people want to collaborate in the community. Our main desire is to make 0 A.D. better. We believe this can be done by taking advantage of the power of community. Currently, many people do not have access to a method of assisting, this can be changed easily. If you are interested in being a part of the future of 0 A.D., share your ideas! Play! Commentate! Stream! Design! Code! Beta-Test! Coach! Share! Communicate! Spectate! Spread the word! We can help to provide you an opportunity to be an insider. We can easily collaborate just by doing what we love. For more information about how YOU can make 0 A.D. better, show your love, ask questions in this thread, or join the discussion of the upcoming events and positions: -Open Positions to organize NEW Programs/Events -Upcoming 1v1 Event Development Thread @psypherium @Feldfeld @ValihrAnt @camel @Boudica @ffffffff @JC (naval supremacist) @Unknown_Player @borg- @chrstgtr @Lefo @Pudim @Philip the Swaggerless @Stockfish @PhyZik @itrelles @nani @Hannibal_Barca @LeGenDz @phoenixdesk @LANDLORD @kizitom @mord @ffm @user1 @elexis @Stan` @SaidRdz @Emperior @Emacz @Dunedan @Ivaylo @yilmazgng @go2die @MorTak @Imarok @sarcoma @Lion.Kanzen @D_D_T_ @R4PT0R @Servo @Itms @coworotel @badosu @sphyrth @wowgetoffyourcellphone @faction02 @feneur @Issh @PrincessChristmas @RolandSC2 @Jofursloft @CAGD_lulofun @HirnWolf @Dakara @thankforpie @mgx *** If you want to be in the notification list, or not, send a PM so I can add/remove your nick.
  2. Hi all, We all want 0 A.D. to be better. Moving forward together is more powerful rather than our individual attempts. It's also easier to motivate ourselves for some time rather than endless responsibilities. We can bring individuals and teams together for a project. Then organize the event with the power of the community. There can be many ways to have more fun with the skills of our valuable people. If you have an interest, a skill or a passion check out the opportunities where you can be the future of the community. -Game Testers -Coaches -Managers -Streamers -Graphic Designers -Video Editors -Content Writers -Social Media Managers -Creators -Activists -OP System Ambassadors -Assistance -Other For more information about how YOU can make 0 A.D. better, show your love, ask questions in this thread, or join the discussion of the upcoming events and positions: -Upcoming 1v1 Event Development Thread @psypherium @Feldfeld @ValihrAnt @camel @Boudica @ffffffff @JC (naval supremacist) @Unknown_Player @borg- @chrstgtr @Lefo @Pudim @Philip the Swaggerless @Stockfish @PhyZik @itrelles @nani @Hannibal_Barca @LeGenDz @phoenixdesk @LANDLORD @kizitom @mord @ffm @user1 @elexis @Stan` @SaidRdz @Emperior @Emacz @Dunedan @Ivaylo @yilmazgng @go2die @MorTak @Imarok @sarcoma @Lion.Kanzen @D_D_T_ @R4PT0R @Servo @Itms @coworotel @badosu @sphyrth @wowgetoffyourcellphone @faction02 @feneur @Issh @PrincessChristmas @RolandSC2 @Jofursloft @CAGD_lulofun @HirnWolf @Dakara @thankforpie @mgx *** If you want to be in the notification list, or not, send a PM so I can add/remove your nick.
  3. Hello community, I've recently remember about some news I read much time ago related with new faculties establishing in my country universities (Spain), fully dedicated to games development. From a quick search, I've found the following: DigiPen (in english) ESNE Universidad Complutense de Madrid Universidad Complutense de Madrid - Máser I am not aware if this has become common on many other countries over the years, but it may be useful to get some extra pair of hands in the development and artistic design of 0AD by collaborating with this particular institutions. I am sure it would be a nice curricular achievement for most students and an opportunity for 0AD team.
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