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Found 2 results

  1. Hi guys! I have created two scenarios taking as base a map started by Viridis. I found that map last week while looking for a nice numantine scenario and I decided to finish it, trying to make to make it accurate, beautiful and playable. The scenarios are: "First battle of Numantia" and "Siege of Numantia". I attach the scenario files in dropbox links with some screenshots since it doesn't allow me to upload more than 5 mg here (that I used already in other post). https://www.dropbox.com/sh/vjrbcqdpv8kp2ga/AABZoZlNNQ5CpdJTM2n-qxtea?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/sh/n69ch85molnt8q8/AADayW9fr9TruR2i9aNAPU2Sa?dl=0 These are the map descriptions: FIRST BATTLE OF NUMANTIA "Numantia is famous for its role in the Celtiberian Wars. In the year 153 BC Numantia experienced its first serious conflict with Rome, when it hosted the rebel inhabitants of Sekaiza. In the year 153 a. C Fulvius Nobilior attacked Numantia with a huge Roman army and cavalry support of the Numidian King Massinissa, including elephants, which unexpectedly went uncontrollable and charged against the Roman soldiers. That fact changed the course of the battle that ended with the Iberian victory." The game starts with the battle where Gaia elephants attack roman troops. As iberian you are quite near the action and can decide if joining the battle (to inflict more damage to the roman troops but putting at the same time your units in risk with the elephants smashing everything around) or complete the retreat of your troops to your town walls. SIEGE OF NUMANTIA "Numantia is famous for its role in the Celtiberian Wars. In the year 153 BC Numantia experienced its first serious conflict with Rome. After 20 years of hostilities, in the year 133 BC the Roman Senate gave Scipio Aemilianus Africanus the task of destroying Numantia. He laid siege to the city, erecting a nine kilometre fence supported by towers, moats, impaling rods and so on. After 13 months of siege, the Numantians decided to burn the city and die free rather than live and be slaves." The roman faction starts with 7 camps and a strong force surrounding the iberian walled town. Some fences are built around the roman camps but not finished yet so the iberian should try to obercome it as soon as possible in order to have access to resources. ****** Unfortunately I found several problems that make these scenarios impossible to play. I number them as follows: 1. The AI, doesn't not attack, build, create units, nor make any attempt to win. Just defend. 2. Many errors appear in cascade as I load it to play, and I guess they have something to do with the AI unactivity. 3. How can I garrison units inside the Roman forts in the scenario editor, so they don't become Gaia's when I start playing? (I was told this will be solved for A22) Please, feel free to comment, download it, explore it or try to repair it. I hope we can resolve these errors (I really have no idea how to do so) so we all can play this scenario that took me time to improve and that I really want to try out. Thank you!
  2. Hi guys, This is the scenario I made of Birgantim (modern A Coruña) that served as port to Lucus Augusti. It is quite accurate, fully playable with no detected errors, and balanced forces so it's fun to play with both armies. I hope you enjoy. Please comment and feel free to include it in future releases of the game or give any advice you believe would improve the gaming experience. Cheers! You can download this playable scenario from dropbox (includes the scenario files and some screenshots): https://www.dropbox.com/sh/vc4938ecuce1j35/AADoRvYFiJdZF_W91zZeEtnQa?dl=0 BRIGANTIUM description: Strategic settlement located on the coast of Gallaecia, named that way by the Romans during their invasion of the northwestern Iberian Peninsula, that began in the second century BC and was not completed until the first century BC, after more than one hundred years of fierce strife against the Celtic tribes that inhabited this vast area of forested mountains rich in minerals, rivers, beaches, and fertile waters. Historically the Celtic settlers of Brigantium did not offer resistance to the Roman contingent, whereas in the interior the conquest was not completed until the times of the emperor Augustus. Later, Brigantium become Portus Magnus and the Tower of Hercules (oldest lighthouse of the world still in operation) was build in it. Situation: The bulk of the legion commanded by the legate Julio Cesar, has entered the interior of Gallaecia with intent to subdue the natives. It will not be easy for the Romans. Will the Artabros also rise against occupation on the coast? Factions: 1. Incarnate the Celtic tribe of the Artabros from their settlement in Nostian, being also able to control easily a port of the settlement of Elvina: -Let us expel the invader! Let us wash down the sacred oaks with their blood! Let us return their bones to the sea! Under the light of the moon we will celebrate with mead their defeat! Our mothers and women will rejoice, and our daughters will compose songs of this day! Oh, free people! This is our home! 2. Take the command of the Roman detachment emplaced by Julio Cesar to incorporate this enclave to the glorious Roman Republic: -It's time to get this port out of the darkness! The Carthaginians defied Roman hegemony and bought their stall, before testing our iron! And these wild barbarians will also succumb! Today his pillage is over! Tonight their women will serve us in our beds! Roma invicta!
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