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  1. Hello everyone, It's my turn to provide some tips for new players on how to become powerful in the game. I hope you've already read "From Nub to OP" and @Mentula's advices, which are both awesome guides to reach level 1400 and more. I'm not the most powerful player, but I'm proud of where I am today, considering that less than just a year ago, I was begging OP players to let me play with them in TG. The tips I'm about to share are my personal strategies, but remember that you don't have to follow them strictly since every game is different, opponents react differently, and resources are always varied. Also, feel free to share your own tips in the comments. I only use two mods, Autociv and Quick Start, although I don't always use everything that Quick Start offers. Here are my tips, listed in no particular order: Aim for 10 fields to produce food, which requires 50 women. If you plan to create cavalry or elephants, make at least 12 fields (Hans recommends 17 to 20 fields). Produce 65 women until P2. You may kill 15 of them at 200 population to replace them with 15 soldiers who will harvest wood more quickly. Rushes usually do this for me. Research eco tech before advancing to the next phase. Every minute spent gathering resources without eco tech is a waste of resources. Going to P2 at min 10 is okay. Build your first barracks around min 3. Aim for 3 barracks until P3. Once you have your first barracks, train units 2 by 2 using autoqueue. Do the same at each barracks and at your CC once you reach 65 women. When I'm not too busy, I stop using autoqueue around P2 and train units in batches as much as possible. Whenever you see an incredible move in a game, like someone booming rapidly, watch the replay and focus on that player's moves. Have a plan. Look at the resources around you, your closest enemies, whether they rush or boom, and who your pocket is or whose pocket you are. Then, decide on your strategy, whether it's booming, turtling, rushing, going on champs, elephants, etc. For non-slinger civs, send the first 5 women to berries and the rest to wood until you have 20 workers on wood. By that time, you should have a barracks producing units 2 by 2 on wood. A minimum of 50 workers on wood is necessary to advance to P2 (non-slinger eco). When you begin P2, you'll need a lot of wood to build P2 buildings (I usually build 3 forges), fields, and eco research. Don't worry if you're floating a bit in wood at the end of P1. Also, don't hesitate to use women to gather wood to have extra wood you'll need if you want to go through P2 as quickly as possible. I often select 25 women on fields and send them to gather 10-15 trees (using the "do that order first" hotkey) so that when they're done, they'll return to the field without worrying about it. Master using hotkeys such as giving orders to one person in a selected group, doing an order before or after another. I have all those commands in shift, <, and alt. For example, if you want your women to spread evenly on berries after building a farmstead, select four women, make them build the farmstead, then press shift + alt and click on each berry bush one after the Use three women to build houses, and try to spread them evenly on the construction of each house. This method is faster than having the same three women build three houses one by one. I hope these tips are helpful. See you in TG! Vrayer
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