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  1. Hello. I made this topic to show the progress of my mod. accept suggestions
  2. Since I have a rather definite idea of how it will be the mod : 'll add a generic first civilization : to represent the following civilizations : Olmec Maya Mexica this 'm still not sure about adding the mod. I'll start : Description of Units: infantry Generic Name: Eagle Spearman Specific name : Cuāuhpipiltin Class: Spearman Armament: lance ( 1.20 m) and a round wooden shield . appearance : Basic: A tunic that starts from the waist to the knees , will gold bracelets on his left forearm , almost all basic units will look like this at first. Advanced: The robe will eagle feathers, have an ornate shield, have a necklace bird bones and leather armor . Elitecasco of a Golden Eagle , a layer of feathers that will be joined to the arms for a few bangles, a shield decorated with feathers at the bottom . History: cuāuhpipiltin (singular cuāuhpilli , "noble eagle " in classical Nahuatl) , also called warriors eagles were a special class of warriors in the Mexican military, which along with Guerrero jaguar or " ocēlōpipiltin " primarily composed warrior elites the old Aztec Empire. Function: good woodsman and explorer Generic Name : Mesoamerican Archer. Specific Name: Tequihua Weapons: A long bow appearance : Basic: cotton armor dyed black feathers on the shoulders . Advanced: a similar to that of the eagle warriors robe , round wooden shield . Elite : a helmet shaped head of a heron . History : Function : good casador Generic Name : Mesoamerican Swordsman . Specific Name : Ocēlōpilli . Armament: obsidian sword and round shield ornamented or a gold shield . appearance : Basic : a robe from the waist to the knees. Advanced: a layer of jaguar skin , some gold bracelets on her right arm and one on his left forearm . History : Function : good Mining Elite : A jaguar shaped helmet , a round shield with feathers and a gold necklace . Support Units : Generic Name : Warrior Priest Specific Name : tlatoani . Class: Healer . Appearance : white robe , she goes on a green color and another player . I stick it good function . Generic Name : Meosoamerican Woman Specific Name: Elemicquicihuatl Function: cultivate better Appearance : a robe from the waist to the knees , has a poncho. Generic Name : Merchant . Specific Name: Appearance : Similar to the merchant wagon Aztec and Maya of AOE II Naval Armada : Pending . Champions Units : Generic Name : Lancer Olmeca . Specific Name: Armametouna obsidian spear Appearance : It has a cotton armor , a wooden shield , and a plume of feathers. Function: Good against cavalry and buildings. Aura: infantry is stronger against archers. Generic Name : Aztec Jaguar Warrior . Specific Name: Armament: obsidian sword and a round shield . Appearance : a tailored layer jaguar jaguar skin and a helmet shaped jaguar. Aura: the infantry is stronger and better fight Specific Name: Lancer Holcan Maya. Weapons: spear ( 2.10 m) a round shield Appearance : cotton armor , a gold necklace . Function: good against champions buildings and units. Aura: drives are faster . units of the Civic Center : Melee Infantry : Jaguar Warrior . Infantry Long Range : Mesoamerican Archer. Impersonates Infantry Cavalry : Eagle Warrior
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