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Posts posted by k776

  1. Maybe a combination of both? Full colour boxes on the left (like the second image), and an even lighter colour background across (like the first image, but more alpha).

    If that isn't possible though (or it looks weird), I don't mind the full length bars across, but maybe they don't touch the edges of the box, but go as far as the column edges?

  2. Confirmed. I reported this on IRC, but no one was around at the time (Michael: you don't use IRC. Haven't seen you there yet?!)

    I think it's related to the changes for workers to kill animals before harvesting food from them. Missing some logic.

  3. Awesome work. Hopefully look forward to seeing this in Alpha 2. How far off are you from completing it?

    Some quick comments:

    * IMO, the number of players shouldn't be a choice dropdown, but determined by the number of town bases in the map, and the amount of player rows should be determined by that too.

    * Player 4 and Player 6 are a bit hard to read. Infact, they could all do with being on a darker background.

    * Reveal map / teams locked etc would also be nice to have in a semi transparent box like the other elements.

    * All three columns in the civ info screen should be equal width.

    * Can probably get away with 1px less font size

  4. I added rank icons too. Do they work okay?
    As already discussed on IRC, but I'll post here too. It's very inconsistent. Units without a rank should have an icon too, else it appears (initially) not to work.
    Honestly? I find them unnecessary and cluttery. Let's see what k776 says. :victory:
    I don't find them "cluttery", but I do find them unnecessary for now. Do the ranks even really have an effect in the game? Does a unit get stronger as they rank up?

    An 'R' hotkey to toggle them on/off would be good.

  5. It is possible that there were differences in one or more entity files or scripts, as we've been messing with these a lot lately and it is usually advisable for players to both update the game immediately before initiating a multiplayer match for just this reason. :victory:
    wacko and I were both using the same copy of the code at the time we ran it.

    Phillip found a bug that caused desync when hovering over a unit. http://trac.wildfiregames.com/changeset/8255

    So hopefully no more desyncs.

  6. A temporary work around for the chat is to check the console. The chats stays there until it is pushed of by new messages. It also holds more messages I think. (The ` key shows/hides the console.)
    True, but still not an elegant solution. Ideally, in multiplayer, the console shouldn't even be present to prevent people giving themselves resources for free.
    It's meant to be alarming :victory:. The usual cause of immediate desyncs is when the players have slightly different versions of data files - we probably ought to check for that specific problem at the start of the game and report it so it's easier to see when that's the problem. Other causes of desyncs are serious bugs and need to be fixed, but I think they're quite rare.
    I was running the latest Windows autobuild. I'm not sure about wacko.
    Slow framerate, or smooth framerates but jerkily-moving units? The first problem needs general engine optimisation (there are certain cases where e.g. pathfinding becomes very slow); the second problem needs better latency-adapation in the networking code (currently it'll be jerky if any players have >200msec RTT) and reduced non-network latency (move the network message processing into threads so it's not delayed by rendering).
    The second (smooth, but jerky units). I worked with another project a year or two ago that had a great multiplayer infustructure. http://globulation2.org Their code is GPL. You should be able to use it if possible. It's available at http://hg.globulation2.org/glob2-new/file/9fcbd36fe414/src (take a look at all files starting with Multiplayer*, Net*, or YOG*).

    IIRC, it had latency scaling, as well as either gaming through a server, or P2P routing if the user had the right ports open. i.e. it found the fastest way to let players play. It worked really really well. Seriously worth checking out!

  7. wacko and I played a multiplayer game. These are my notes about the game. I'm sure he'll have his own.

    Some of these are so small, but make a big impact.

    * BUG: Multiplayer desynced right after joining, but continued to work anyway. The error needs to not show. It's alarming!

    * HMM: Multiplayer was slow. I have a powerful computer (4GB RAM, 1GB VRAM, and fastest internet connection I can get). It was playable, but very laggy compared to other 3D RPG's I've played (like Vendetta Online or EVE). Can the games networking packets be optimized?

    * WANT: The game needs a chat history. Even if it's just a scrollable view above the chat input when you hit enter. Ideally though, the key 'h' would toggle between 'hide messages' (which it currently does), 'always show 5 messages', and 'show all messages', the last being an in-viewport chat scroll widegt.

    * BUG: FOW needs to take into account sounds. Shouldn't be able to hear what the other person is doing.

    * BUG: Moving on the minimap zooms in. This is not expected or wanted.

    * WANT: Pressing ESC when the chat input is open should close the chat input, not offer to quit the game.

  8. Not only that, but I can't select a group of units and then hover over an enemy unit to check his health, which makes quick tactics (like finding the weakest to kill) more cumbersome.

    I strongly disagree with you here. Why should I know so easily how healthy a bad guy is who is charging at me? As far as I can remember AOE games did not do what you propose. There should be a little mystery to some things, IMHO. I am even weary of being able to tell the health of an enemy unit by clicking it, but I'm willing to suspend my disbelief on that score, since it is an RTS staple.
    Well, two things here.

    Firstly, as you already stated, You can already click a unit to find it's health. Having it appear on hover isn't showing new information, just the same stuff faster. Faster info == faster gameplay. Faster gameplay = need for better tactics. better tactics = more enjoyable gaming experience. Granted, there is a point where too much information can become too much. I don't believe that to be the case here.

    Secondly, consistency is key. If you allow hover on one thing, you need to allow hover on all things. Resources, units, buildings etc. To have inconsistent UI causes confusion for the user.

    The solution to all these issues might be, rather than on hover, have a hotkey ('I'?), that when pressed, shows the health for all entities within the viewport. Is there a reason that wouldn't be acceptable?

  9. I strongly believe that removing the unit hover ring/health bars was a mistake. There is no way to tell which unit is going to be selected now if I go to click. Not only that, but I can't select a group of units and then hover over an enemy unit to check his health, which makes quick tactics (like finding the weakest to kill) more cumbersome.

  10. Looking nice. It's a shame, when I tried out the latest source a few days ago, that they don't really walk, they just glide along the terrain without leg movement. Any chance of having them like the gazzele or horses, and actually have realistic leg movement?

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