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Posts posted by bill2505

  1. Pedro understands me ^^

    It's exactly what I mean. I'm not saying it destroys the gameplay, not much effects there.

    But being at stage alpha, this is really not a priority, and even in a few years, I wouldn't be very pleased having names everywhere, where you don't need them.

    If so however, make it a box you can check or uncheck in your options.

    men when someone suggests something doesnt do it for the next alpha but for the future versions
  2. So essentially it's the same principles as we have in the game now, but the player would have to spend an immense effort micromanaging the units :P It might be fun in some games, but in a game like 0 A.D. you don't want to have to micromanage units while your enemy is attacking you. To make this relevant we'd either have to simplify the war aspect of the game or make it a lot slower.

    what you mean micro manage.no micromanage at all and not simplifying

    what i am suggesting in few sentences.

    1 make all resource gathering using the ancient wars of sparta unique way .you build a gold/wood gathering building ,you send 3-5 citizens to work and you are finished(you wont have to micromanage your recourses or anything)

    2 make all civilian/luxury/culture buildings(nearly all buildings)need to be manned (send citizent inside it) to work. for example university(you cant reasearch without proffesors)

    2b sort the buildings into a few categories based on incomes. for example wood gathers and gold will be in the same

    3 you are attacked you press "call to arms "

    4 all your citizens units are ejected(add options for key buildings not) , from their jobs buildings

    5 run to armory

    6 based on their income ( every fisherman will have the same income,not turn this into sim like building)

    7 your are army is transformed into a various citizent-soldier units .rich will have rich equipment and poor poor

    8 you can defend with them or attack

    9 someone will say that you wont have time to do if the enemy attacks then build walls

    easy and quick(i dont see micromanaging anything)

    this i thing is more close to reality

    i am only suggesting guys=) . no need to start the learn to mod it your self stuff(everybody knows it already=)

    see easy

  3. I use a second thread because this suggestion need completely change this system.This idea will need a bit balancing of and will be for the future course

    As you know Greeks never used mass standing armies. In the game this is not portrayed properly yet so i suggest this

    lets speak only for greek faction at the moment

    1A : Greek army will be split bettwen standing(some police duty soldiers mostly) and non standing . Standing soldiers will be recruited from military baracks like buildings . Non standing will be recruited in this way

    1B: You cant train units in the way that happens now

    1C : You can only train simple civilian male citizens (except the standing army units)

    1D: you will use citizen to do jobs(build gather....)

    1E: When you will need your soldier you can press a button "call to arms" which will make all units(if you want you can do it to individual units via button there) be called to arms

    What this means

    2A : When the unit will be called to arm it will go to the nearer Armory and will get its self weapons and armor

    2B : bazed on its income and class it will get the apropriate weapons and Armor

    what i meant income and class?

    3:A every job your citizen make has a vallue how much he is paid(not exactly) more or less

    for example:

    gatherers =5 gold ( ancient greek currency)

    builder= 15 gold

    3B : Based on the vallue when you press "call to arms button" he will go to the armory to buy his weapons (and story it afterwards)

    for example:

    poor citizent <5 gold= crude sling man,archer ... a bit random

    poor citizent>5 = good archer ,sling,peltast(non elite)

    average income citizent= income>10(but lower than 15)= militia hoplite

    15 until 20 income= standard hoplite and some small amount good equipment light infantry


    how are you going to assign income to Citizens?

    4A : make all citizens have a steady job

    4B how to do this?

    4C ancient wars of sparta uses a system of recourse gathering unique.you build a farm/gold gatherer ,wood)

    building near the resource and you send your citizens to work inside them and your citizens work by giving steady resource .

    4D every citizend then is going to take a individual promotion(or something like this) based on his job and income

    4E when you press call to arms 3 will happen

    Elite units :how to train them)

    i mean elite not by experience but by equipment

    5A make some civing/cultural/luxury buildings like temple ,universities...... needs citizens .those citizens will have hight income

    6 A bit idea for gaining more elites

    Arictocrat building. this building will be a recourse gathering building(or something like this) that needs to be manned .if you put near farms (and maybe other recourses,i dont know) will increase their output.

    6B this men will have highter pay and when reqruited will get cavalry mostly and a bit elite hoplites

    please comment and suggest.

    thanks in advance

  4. 1 not all civs uses citizen soldier concept specialy like the greek one

    2 the fact that one time your soldiers are armored brutes and the other time are cutting trees and the other time the armored brutes again

    is immersion killer

    so i suggest this

    a new soldier button "call to arm" and a second" get back to work)

    when you press the button get back to work your spearment will get to your nearest military building or armory and will leave his weapon and start working.

    if you press "call to armrs " your soldiers will go to the nearest armory or central building to get their armors

  5. i took this idea from rise of nation 1 game. i suggest both in campagn map and in the skirmish maps a new big(not huge ) city like building that will be named polis or village(if its a village).this building will represent lesser tribes (like gauls or whatever) and cities (italian, greek ones).if you capture this building you will be able to build one or two special units .also in this city building you will be able to build some buildings (some native and some yours ) but in a reasearch form(more like upgrades)

    .with this way map will be more alive

  6. Real Time Stratagy games are about working with what resources are available, renewable resources would alow players to sit around and would limit action and the need for players to stratagise about how to improve their current situation.

    no i dont agree with this. and in the end if you dont like the idea play faster .no one forces you to play slowly

  7. to be honest even if i like this game i dont like on thing . how citizens soldiers are portrayed .now in 2 secondes a citezen turns from gatherer to fully equipped soldier which is unrealistic. my suggestion is that citizents like gatheres dont turn immediately to soldiers but they will need to go to a building like an armory or acropoli to arm themselves

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