Yeah. The Iberians. That is also a problem that i see. I spent some thoughts on the possibility to replace the Celtic Campaign with an Iberian one. Pro Iberian: - a VERY unique civ, never seen or heard of any game that included them - defensive guerilla tactics, as described, could be used to design some challenging scenarios Pro Celtic: - temperate setting (despite Iberians, who would again, as Greeks and Romans do, live in the Mediterranean) - completely different style (each civ has, but especially this one) - well, lets say, some kind of personal love for the Celtic culture I ended up choosing the Celtic variant, because i saw an oppurtunity to include the Iberians into the Punic Wars Campaign, though i am not satisfied altogether with that solution. Another possibility: A fourth Iberian campaign. But that would mean, we have essentially the same ground theme as in the Celtic Campaign, which is rebellion - and again, against Romans ... Edit: The other thread is witnessed. @Moderation: Any possibility to merge those two threads since they cover the same topic?