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Black Knight

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Posts posted by Black Knight

  1. Just wanted to clear up something in economics.

    Many people are lead to belive that there is only so much wealth in a nation, like a pie. That pie is divided up and the rich get the most and the poor get only crumbs.

    This misleading thinking is the basis for communism. What acctually happens is that when the rich, or anybody, has money they spend it. Little bits of paper are not things to be hoarded. THis money being spent increases the wealth of a nation, giving you a larger pie. This means that yes, the rich get richer but so do the poor.

    When the rich are rich it helps to make everyone richer.

    P.S. Please don't think I'm some rich snob, I come from a middle of the middle class.

  2. First of only one billion dollars is new to the nasa budget. The rest is just being redistibuted in the program.

    Secondly, has any one read Mining the Sky? It is about how much money we could make if we would only commercialize space. The asteroid belt is litteraly a gold mine. Also a private company can a pay load in space for almost half the amount of NASA.

  3. I must say that accidents like this are extremely tragic and perhaps tighter gunlaws may stop a student from getting acess to a weapon, but it will not stop a violent criminal. Just look at the crime rate in Great Britain. They have some of the tightest gunlaws in the world, but they have the highest violent crime rate in the western world. This is because the citizens are not armed. They can not stop an intruder on their own. They are forced to rely on the government and to much depandents on the government is a dangerous thing.

    I live in Kentucky (I'm not a native though), a place where just about every one owns some weapon and we have a low violent crime rate. This is for two reasons 1.) people have grown up with guns and now that you do not lightly use one and 2.) criminals are scared to death of armed citizens. In fact one of the things crimianls fear most (and this is from an actual poll) is an armed citizen.

    Now should teachers be armed? No because most of them do not have training and alot of them are just stupid, but should a good citizen be able to own a weapon? The answer then is most certainly yes.

  4. The world is about to be plunged into a Dark Age. All books will be destroyed or lost. You and only you will be able to save five books. Choose wisely.

    And my five books are:

    5.) Chaucher's Canterbery Tales (In its orginal Middle English). This is a great piece of literature, but it will also help to preserve the history of the english language and medieval England.

    4.) Julius Ceaser. A wonderful play that to helps to preserve the history of the Roman Empire.

    3.) A text book of mathematics. To help keep Mathematics alive.

    2.) Beawulf (a volume with both original Anglo-Saxon and Modern English) To preserve the fact that their was another Dark Age and that humanity pulled out of it.

    1.)The Bible. To help preseve my religion.

    Also, Please do not debate the fact that the "Dark Ages" were not a time of no learning and Barbarism. I am well aware of this, but (most) of those people were definitely not on the Roman level.

  5. I belive that C.S. Lewis' space travel books were "Out of the Silent Planet" and "That Hideous Strength". He also wrote many other interesting books including "The screw tape letters" (which I really want to read.)

    Something interesting to note is that Tolkien alway thought Lewis was far to quick to publish his books. He also felt that Lewis stole things off of him. Such as Numinor.

  6. I got the Visual Companion to RotK the other day and in it I found some clues of what is to come in the EE.

    1.) Aragorn reveals himself to Sauron through the Palantir

    2.) !Mouth of Sauron! :S:P:);) `nuff said!

    3.) Sam and Frodo join a marching orc column on their way to the Black Gate


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