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manowar last won the day on September 16 2024

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  1. It sounds like 'Bonnell Thornton' translated Plautus from 'if you spend a thing you cannot have it' to 'You cannot eat your cake and have it too' https://www.bartleby.com/lit-hub/respectfully-quoted/john-heywood-14971580/
  2. The quote that appears from the play Trinummus by Plautus in the file https://github.com/0ad/0ad/blob/master/binaries/data/mods/public/gui/text/quotes.txt I am unable to find that quote in an online version of the play here Are we sure this quote is accurate ?
  3. Interesting suggestions ofr Maiden Castle @Genava55. My only opinion on this topic is that Emain Mhacha is not a wonder of the Britons.
  4. Hi, following up on this to suggest that the Wonder for the Britons should not be named "Emain Macha" (Navan Fort), and that it could instead be "Maiden Castle". I live quite close to the site of Emain Macha and it is not on the island of Britain/Britannia. It is in Ireland/Hibernia and I believe that should be a different civ to Britons. Our legends include the site of Emain Macha and 'heros' such as Cu Chullain, Queen Maebh and Ferdia. The anglicised name of 'An Emain' became 'Navan'. The term 'British Isles' is a modern British idea and is insulting to the Irish. I would prefer to see a new faction for Ireland/Hibernia/Ulidia/Gaels that would include the heros mentioned above and Emain Macha as the wonder. I am happy to contribute but I suck at Blender.
  5. Yes games were 1v1 using password protected games in the lobby. One issue we ran into was we could only register one user as registering multiple users on a single IP was blocked. We were lucky that one guy had 0ad on his laptop and we tethered the laptop to each users phone to register.
  6. I am part of the local Linux user group and also know the guy who setup the gaming cafe so it worked out well to combine the two.
  7. In Belfast we had a 0ad gaming session in a new esports cafe on Friday night. All newbie gamers so hoping some of them stick around.
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