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t i m a e u s

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Everything posted by t i m a e u s

  1. Oh cool Dacians By the time you will work on those I will be able to help with developing since I'm Romanian, love history and I will be studying multimedia design
  2. I wasn't picking on your country, lol, just saying I don't think my ISP doesn't exist in Argentina (as probably yours doesn't exist in Romania).
  3. I live in Romania, RDS probably doesn't exist in Argentina xD
  4. idk, most torrents download with 3.5 MBs/sec for me o_O
  5. 1. Repeating a question: Are farms going to have infinite food? (I suggest you do that so we can concentrate on military part more; also make them expensive to get) 2. Will u add ''cool new features'' like AQ in AoT in future expansion packs? (I hope not, cuz they make the game worse) 3. Will Elephants be as OP as in the other Age of games? ;_: Thanks in advance. BTW: about advertising; I don't think it will be a problem, people will find out about this game really quick I bet. I already begun telling people how great this game will be on AgeSanctuary xDD
  6. If you visit AoMH or AgeSanctuary then you'd know me . Someone posted a topic about this on Sanctuary, I read about everything on the main page and FAQ, and I think this game will be huge if it will be ''AoE2 gameplay with AoE3 graphics'' ( even if I think AoM graphics>AoE3 ones). Also being free is just incredible Last thing: if u guys need someone to make wallpapers, sigs or banners with 0:AD related stuff u can contact me at yamirafi@hotmail.com OR rafi7_3@yahoo.com OR avetimaeus@aol.com EDIT: nevermind, I found the answer to my question. Do u guys have an idea on how long is this gonna take to launch?
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