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Posts posted by Clodhopper

  1. Thanks, guys! This is a really special occasion for me...*sniffle* Although, *sniff* I don't know why I'm getting all this special attention, but it must be because I'm such a special person... I just knew I couldn't hide my genius for long... ;) *cries with happiness and joy*

    P.S: My shoulder needs to recieve special attention because of you, Lorian. :D

  2. Well, I had better burn my flag while I can still do it... :D

    Just kidding. I think that although it may be disrespectful to do so, there is little left that the flag symbolizes of the United States of America as Washinton-Adams would have seen it.

  3. ...because to me there are much more important and applicable things in Christianity besides the technical details of the creation of the universe.

    You don't think that evolution is an important issue to disscuss? :D

  4. (I double-posted for the same reason as I did last time. It's kind of hard to deal with 4+ guys in one post...)

    Mythos Ruler:

    You completely ignored my specific question, Mythos. You then changed the subject to something else that you asked me after I asked you that specific question. I believe this is known as a red herring (clicky).

    Let me ask you a specific question: What part of the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics refers to "disorganization?"

    The point is Mythos, you misquoted me.


    Since when does order appear from dissorder? You can't do it. Even the second law of thermodynamics says so.

    Ah! Well, I revise my quote. You will find that information does not come from dissorder. So, being revised, I have a new quote. (that's what science is all about)

    The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics does not disprove Evolutionary theory nor the geological column because the Earth is not a closed system, which is a requirement for the 2nd Law to take affect. Secondly, "order" comes from "disorder" all the time in nature. Complexity comes from less complexity constantly - not violating the 2nd Law because, a.) the 2nd Law is mute because it doesn't apply to this situation, and b.) the 2nd Law doesn't talk about disorder, but rather transferance of energy.

    You need to think outside of the box, Mythos, another question would be: is the universe a closed system?

    First of all, C-14 is produced in the atmosphere when cosmic rays hit oxygen and nitrogen. Here's some more info.


    You can read that there, Mythos. Although I am not a full-fledged supporter of this theory, it does give one something to think about.
  5. Klaas:

    So if what you wrote would be true this implies that those so-called evolutionist scientists form some kind of conspiracy to push their atheist agenda.

    Anyway, it's not easy to discuss something if you don't answer the argument itself: that there are no evolutionist scientists but only scientists just doing their job and scientists looking for a career.

    Nonsense, Klaas, that's just the nature of man. The fact is, you're very biased in your opinions. Now that is hard to discuss if you're acting as if evolution has been proved, and yet you have not presented conclusive evidence. You can go on and on about how there are only 2 kinds of scientists and all that, but this is a disscussion of whether or not evolution is true, not an "evolutiontruesoletsdisscusswhatkindofscientistsareoutthere" disscussion, because that is your opinion.
    It is a bit wild but at this point it's very safe to say that. It isn't as wild as what creationists do since they have absolutely no proof for their theories except the Bible which cannot be considered as a relieable source in historical criticism.

    Whoa, whoa, whoa. First of all, that is not just a "bit wild", but very, very wild. It's absolutely not safe to say that. Frankly, not even 25% of the earth has been excavated, and if even if it was, that would leave 75% of the earth unexcavated, and 75% of the earth can hold quite a bit of fossils, as you can guess. Secondly, you just commited a "two wrongs make a right" fallacy, (clicky[) which is not very good. Or simply, it's blameshifting.
    I believe Yiuel was only trying to make a point, but it indeed failed by using our own bones as an example. Anyway, if he said the bones of something that died before radioactive tests his argument is correct, so maybe take your time answering that instead of pointing out the little errors. Again, it's not easy to discuss something if you're neglecting the core of the argument.

    Of course Yiuel was trying to make a point, I think that's what we're all trying to do. Right... like we have tons of stuff to use to date with that died before the 1940's... that doesn't make a very strong argument. So remind me again: What is the core issue here? Is it the geologic column? Or evolution? But let me ask you something: Where did Yiuel get that info anyway? Or I could ask Yiuel...

    Hmmm, where does it say that this is related to C-14 dating?

    First of all, C-14 is produced in the atmosphere when cosmic rays hit oxygen and nitrogen. Here's some more info.



    those "nonliving molecules" are amino acids(which we consist of), lookie, and later in the article you can read about the iron-sulfur world theory. If that is correct you've gone from "stuff" to self-replicating metabolicaly active entities, or creatures. From there the step to humans are just a questions of mutations and time.
    dudedudedude! Amino acids are.. alive? Or maybe they're just the "building blocks" of proteins is what they are. Frankly, in all of our human brilliancy, we have not managed to create any living organism, not even a the most simple cell. So it's kind of odd how with no direction and intellegence of a designer, you expect nature and time to be the answer. Now the biggest problem as I see it is how you go from something that is non-living and not even dead(obviously, it's never been alive), to a life form?
    another theory written on the page is that life came from space

    I see nothing wrong with finding polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in space. I also see no connection with the topic.


    (and I'm even a creationist).
  6. You know, Brian, if you think about it, "aliens" might have the same view on us as we do with them... they may think that whatever is out there (us) may be smarter than they are. They may also be human as well...

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