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Posts posted by Frumpus

  1. Wow, Enarwaen, you rock! I hope I'll get there someday. (And yes, I'd agree that you "owe the site at least one essay about the Origin of the Orcs"! **taps foot and glances at watch.**)


    Quick question: do you think orcs could be "immortal" or long-lived if they originally had been elves?

    Anyway... for me:

    The Hobbit - read to me 1 or 2x as a child, then I read it once in 7th grade, then 2x in the last 4 years

    LotR - started in high school - never finished FotR. Read series 2x in the last 4 years, now "studied" continuously

    The Silmarillion - read 2 years ago, now "studied" continuously

    Unfinished Tales - read 1 year ago, now "studied" continuously

    Tales From the Perilous Realm: - all read within the last year

    Adventures of Tom Bombadil

    Sir Farmer Giles of Ham - hilarious!!

    Smith of Wooton Major

    Leaf by Niggle

    Sir Orfeo (translated by J.R.R.)

    Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (translation of a 1400's author by J.R.R.) - I REALLY liked this one!

    HoME Vol.I (Book of Lost Tales 1) - just started

    HoME Vol.IV (The Shaping of Middle Earth)

    On my Agenda:


    Tree and Leaf

    The Pearl

    The Homecoming of Beorhnoth

    HoME volumes



  2. Truthfully, I could NEVER foresee a movie-version of the entire Silmarillion being made. Why? For the exact same reason why it became so criticized when it was first published: it's too different.

    I had enough trouble handling all the different characters on my first read-through - you wouldn't even BEGIN to delve into some of the more complex characters (like Turin) before it'd be time to move on.

    Movie Silmarillion? I hope not... but I know I have nothing to fear anyway; I bet it would never get past "script-stage".

  3. Hmm, I wish you had added a different choice: "My mental image pretty much matched what I saw in the films". I thought PJ did a GREAT job; especially in FotR, I was amazed time and time again that he accurately depicted settings: The Shire, Rivendell, Dwarrowdelf, Anduin...

    I was satisfied.

    P.S. I guess the only thing that could have been better was some of the armour and outfits (elven plate armour, Haradrim, etc.), but I'm just basing these on what others "more knowledgeable" in this community have said.

  4. I thought the reason Numenoreans (BTW, how do you all get the accents over the letters??) were so long-lived was:

    A. Elros "used-to-be" an elf, and so his heirs had around 450-500 years of life.

    B. Some Numenoreans spent their time finding ways to reach immortality, and must have found ways at least of prolonging it.

  5. Woah!! I can't believe I forgot to post this before!:

    Upon re-reading the UT chapter on the Drúedain, in the story of the Faithful Stone, I found this:

    Then Barach was shaken with fear, for marauding Orcs carried with them brimstone or some other devilish stuff that was quickly inflamed and not quenched with water. Recovering himself he bent his bow, but at that moment, just as the flames leapt up, he saw a Drûg come running up behind the Ores. One he felled with a blow of his fist, and the other fled; then he plunged barefoot into the fire, scattering the burning fuel and stamping on the Orc-flames that ran along the ground. Barach made for the doors, but when he had unbarred them and sprang out the Drûg had disappeared. There was no sign of the smitten Orc. The fire was dead, and there remained only a smoke and a stench.

    I had been wondering what that "brimstone" might have been like, but of course, this happened LONG before Saruman ever came to ME.

    Brimstone is an old term for the element sulphur (hmm! I never knew that before today! :lol:), and sulphur is an ingredient in gunpowder, and in matches, but the "not quenched with water" part doesn't quite fit, I guess.

  6. Elf, WHEREVER did you get the notion that Galadriel isn't "supposed" to be hot?! Re-read The Silmarillion and UT: "The History of Galadriel and Celeborn". She's touted as THE hottest elf - up till Luthien, and then Arwen. I agree that Cate isn't the "uber-elven-hot" type, but others would vehemently disagree with me, so it's moot. Personally, I think somebody like Gwenyth Paltrow could have done the "look" better. Blanchett did an AWESOME job at the character portrayal, but then again that's my opinion.

    On all other counts I agree with you completely! :lol: BTW, nice idea about having Rangers show up instead of elves (I was hoping to see them too), but yeah, we know PJ won't do that... heh, maybe some of the "left over" elves from Helm's Deep will fill in for the Rangers (and represent Elladan and Elrohir)?

    PJ placed the elves at Helm's Deep to show that they still were involved in ME, just in another place (Thranduil's kingdom). But then, how will he represent Dain's sacrifice? I doubt we'll see dwarves at Pelennor!

  7. Heh! He said, "Tokens"; Acumen said, "Tokens". How many "Tolkiens" do I get for... um...


    (*turns off "Tolkien" Nerdery Toggle Switch*)


    I agree with kor. I think for now the Admins should be the ones "fining" spammers and others who offer negative influence. We've got great Admins, who are on the forums most/all the time. The rest of us "can" still affect any user's Reputation, remember?

    Re: increasing points for starting threads: I've used forums where people start alot of threads... for no reason... over and over again. It's no fun, at least not if you'd like to see only "useful" threads on the current topics page.


    1. How can I get a hero cookie?

    2. Will fining individuals be too much work for Admins once WFG gets bigger?

    3. What's the status on my hero cookie?

    In other words, I think too much attention on "forum-life" may drive the emphasis off of the purpose for creating the forums: the games themselves.

  8. Interesting theory about Elros, ElfTheHunter! I had always just assumed that his days were just shortened (er... and not his ears :lol: ).

    *pats Murchad on the back for his Ghân-buri-Ghân quote... scowls at Adam for not knowing. ;) I always liked that metaphor; it gives a sense of what the words would be in the Drughu language. *

    Thanks, Sukkit! The ear/leaf comparison DOES provide some clarity. I'd be willing to go with slightly pointed ears just on that alone. ;)

    As far as the "faerie" style of ears ("spikes"), I can't stand 'em. I like the PJ ears.

    P.S. Just wait till you guys get a load of Quellion's latest Noldorin concept art! It's awesome, and pretty much sums up what I think the Elves should look like.

  9. *pats Adam on the back for the final decision to go "Tolkien-purist". :lol: *

    Well, this won't surprise him, but I'm going to go with the "less-popular" Independant Civ., Drúedain - Ghân-buri-Ghân's race. They might seem like an obscure anecdote in the whole scheme of things, but you can trace their history from the First Age right up through the Third. Elements like these in Tolkien's work gives the air of "historicity" which only comes from DECADES of creative thinking and editing. Before I had read the Silmarillion, LOTR had a bunch of "superfluous" stuff about "Elder Days" of which I had no clue. Now, it's SO much more vivid, because I can identify with those "extraneous details".

    Yeah, I know they aren't playable, so... for the races I can "play", the elven civs are going to be my style, methinks (Noldor OR Teleri).

    @Quacker, there actually are quite a few races in Tolkien's writings that have excellent archers (I'm an archer myself). However, NO races as much as the elves have the chance to "practice, practice, practice, practice, perfect!" Elves have UNLIMITED amounts of time, due to their immortality.

  10. Re: magic/science

    Take some fireworks, or even a video camera to any third-world or "uncivilized" place on this globe, and you'll STILL get a reaction like (I'm sure) people would have to Saruman's fire. They'l think you're a devil or a god, but powerful, to be sure. They wouldn't understand it, so.. "of course" it must be magical.

  11. I'll post first, THEN read others' opinions - so I don't bias myself any more...

    1. Faramir's character - he's not "pure" and noble anymore, plus... HOW could he have let Frodo anywhere out of his sight RIGHT AFTER Faramir saw him ALMOST give the ring to a winged nazgul!!? It made no sense, and especially so because it was the whole reason for "movie-Faramir" to bring them to Osgiliath in the first place - to get the RING to Gondor, and OUT of the Enemy's hands. "Movie-Faramir" is an idiot to let Frodo go after what he just saw take place!

    2. Aragorn falling over the cliff. Stupid. Just stupid - so fabricated: people who hadn't even read the books knew it didn't fit!

    3. Elves at Helm's Deep. I know, I know; I still get shivers of exhilariation EVERY time I see that scene of them marching up the ramp (as a "movie-trick", it WAS brilliant), but it just leaves too many questions unanswered about who sent them, how they got there, and why they weren't fighting around Mirkwood (along with the Dwarves) like the book says they were.

    PJ makes a great film, but these three things where simply not needed, and the original text would have served MUCH better.

    **EDIT: BTW, Sam's speech at the end is almost word-for-word out of the book.

    Sukkit, I TOTALLY concur re: leaving out/adding in stuff!!

    Re: the "minor" battle at Helm's Deep: ... uh, that just makes me think how much MORE spectacular Pelennor Fields will be for RotK!

    Black Op and Adam: Re: Fords of Isen... Remember, there's still an Extended Edition. :lol:) If it's anything like FotR, it'll fil in the "holes" SO MUCH! (*crosses fingers*... another month!!)

  12. I had heard they were cutting "Scouring" as well, but certain scenes make me think it'll be put it (in the RotK Extended Edition, at least):

    The scene with Merry and Pippin talking about going back to the Shire at Entmoot, and in TTT:EE DVD trailer for RotK, "We SHALL see the Shire again, Pippen!" Furthermore, Sam's vision of the Scouring in Galadriel's Mirror, and any other references by the four Hobbits to such are good indications that The Scouring of the Shire may be included.

    Jackson isn't an idiot as far as film-making/plot resolution goes; if these are left unresolved, his movies won't be "complete". The more references he puts towards the Hobbits' longing to see their home (safe and sound), the more a "hole" will be felt if he doesn't finish the thoughts.

    I for one don't expect the Scouring to be included in the theatrical release, but I'm hoping for it in the EE.

    ...Then again, Jackson has done such drastic changes to the source material in the two first movies, we may be surprized to find a completely new way to "resolve" these issues. :/

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