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  1. Thank you very much for the warm welcome and additional support, Grautvornix, it is greatly appreciated.
  2. Greetings @leopard and @hyperion, many blessings on your most noble and generous souls! Thank you both very much for extending some grace to me. I'm now in the system, and am using the Actor Editor to help me sort thru the directories. I was a bit stymied trying to find / decipher "props/ units/ heads/ head_kush_ nuba_painted .xml", so I just freestyled it and started importing the noggins labeled 'Kush'. It's a start. Thank you again leopard and hyperion~!!
  3. Hi, I'm still new here and trying to learn my way around the forum. I have two three four questions. If I can receive a satisfactory answer for each, I promise I'll go away I would be very grateful. Question 1: How are units assembled? I've seen Props > Helmets & Props > Shields, but helmets and shields do not a unit make. Question 2a: Are there body meshes for units? (e.g. if existent, I would like to find the body meshes for the Iberian and Kushite units) Question 2b: (body meshes cont.) If applicable, where are these body meshes located in trac browser? Question 3: Does this forum have a comprehensive collection of screenshots / pics of completed units for each civ / faction / empire? Thank you very much in advance! Kind regards, ttm
  4. errr, uhm, ooh, sorry, I'm new here and I don't know the etiquette. Are there development pics for the current Kushite units? Would the Kushite units from Old World be useful?
  5. Hi, thanks wowgetoffyourcellphone. Sorry, I guess I was looking for some additional equipment that wackyserious created more recently, but I suspect they might not have found their way into the game. If you don't mind me asking, I'm not very familiar with how these units are put together: Are there xml files which detail which meshes need to be assembled to comprise each unit? Sorry to n00b it up, but thanks for your help.
  6. Hello! Thanks for the lovely eye candies @wackyserious!! Does anyone know where can I find the texture files and meshes, preferably as .DAE files (please, please, anything but .PMD files )? I've tried the trac browser, and unless I've been looking under the wrong directory, the files don't appear to be up-to-date. Afaik these meshes are originally created in various 3D programs and then "backported" to PMD files? Could someone please provide the .DAE meshes and textures for the Iberian units or at least point me in the right direction for them? Thank you!
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