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Posts posted by idle

  1. Ok, thanks.

    So the important part is:

    ../../../source/maths/Vector3D.cpp:27: error: stray ‘\1’ in program

    ../../../source/maths/Vector3D.cpp:27:27: warning: null character(s) ignored

    ../../../source/maths/Vector3D.cpp:27: error: stray ‘\37’ in program

    ../../../source/maths/Vector3D.cpp:1: error: expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before ‘<’ token

    ../../../source/maths/Vector3D.cpp:1: error: expected unqualified-id before numeric constant

    ../../../source/maths/Vector3D.cpp:5: error: expected unqualified-id before ‘>’ token

    ../../../source/maths/Vector3D.cpp:7: error: ‘r’ does not name a type

    make[1]: *** [obj/engine_Debug/Vector3D.o] Error 1

    make: *** [engine] Error 2

    Have you modified the file yoursel?

    Please run 'svn up' in your svn root and try again.

    And please check:

    svn info source/maths/Vector3D.cpp

  2. I did install nspr and after that i have re-downloaded the sources.

    This time i got the following error :

    ==== Building pyrogenesis ====
    Linking pyrogenesis
    ../../../binaries/system/liblowlevel_dbg.a(file_system.o): In function `boost::enable_if<boost::filesystem::is_basic_path<boost::filesystem::basic_path<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, boost::filesystem::path_traits> >, bool>::type boost::filesystem::exists<boost::filesystem::basic_path<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, boost::filesystem::path_traits> >(boost::filesystem::basic_path<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, boost::filesystem::path_traits> const&)':
    file_system.cpp:(.text._ZN5boost10filesystem6existsINS0_10basic_pathISsNS0_11path_traitsEEEEENS_9enable_ifINS0_13is_basic_pathIT_EEbE4typeERKS7_[boost::enable_if<boost::filesystem::is_basic_path<boost::filesystem::basic_path<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, boost::filesystem::path_traits> >, bool>::type boost::filesystem::exists<boost::filesystem::basic_path<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, boost::filesystem::path_traits> >(boost::filesystem::basic_path<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, boost::filesystem::path_traits> const&)]+0x4e): undefined reference to `boost::filesystem::detail::status_api(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, boost::system::error_code&)'
    ../../../binaries/system/liblowlevel_dbg.a(file_system.o): In function `boost::enable_if<boost::filesystem::is_basic_path<boost::filesystem::basic_path<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, boost::filesystem::path_traits> >, bool>::type boost::filesystem::is_directory<boost::filesystem::basic_path<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, boost::filesystem::path_traits> >(boost::filesystem::basic_path<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, boost::filesystem::path_traits> const&)':
    file_system.cpp:(.text._ZN5boost10filesystem12is_directoryINS0_10basic_pathISsNS0_11path_traitsEEEEENS_9enable_ifINS0_13is_basic_pathIT_EEbE4typeERKS7_[boost::enable_if<boost::filesystem::is_basic_path<boost::filesystem::basic_path<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, boost::filesystem::path_traits> >, bool>::type boost::filesystem::is_directory<boost::filesystem::basic_path<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, boost::filesystem::path_traits> >(boost::filesystem::basic_path<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, boost::filesystem::path_traits> const&)]+0x4e): undefined reference to `boost::filesystem::detail::status_api(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, boost::system::error_code&)'
    collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
    make[1]: *** [../../../binaries/system/pyrogenesis_dbg] Error 1
    make: *** [pyrogenesis] Error 2

    I run make instead of make -j3 just to be sure i don`t get any errors . But still i get an error. What seems to be the issue now idle ?

    Please go into build/workspace and run:

    ./update-workspace.sh --verbose

    cd gcc


    PS: Is there a need for root access ?


  3. so here is the debug stuff (i added AL_DEBUG: also):

    ... means the output above a few more times.

    TIMER| InitVfs: 1.09016 ms

    TIMER| InitScripting: 3.48724 ms

    TIMER| CONFIG_Init: 5.91344 ms

    TIMER| write_sys_info: 1.09176 ms

    TIMER| ps_console: 4.66084 ms

    TIMER| ps_lang_hotkeys: 4.78456 ms

    TIMER| ps_gui_init: 26.92 us

    TIMER| ps_gui_setup_xml: 2.44336 ms

    TIMER| ps_gui_styles_xml: 6.77932 ms

    TIMER| ps_gui_sprite1_xml: 74.6648 ms

    TIMER| ps_gui_1: 45.9134 ms

    TIMER| ps_gui_2: 73.0363 ms

    TIMER| ps_gui_3: 2.50936 ms

    TIMER| ps_gui_4: 41.4611 ms

    TIMER| ps_gui_6: 337.959 us

    TIMER| ps_gui_6_1: 3.45636 ms

    TIMER| ps_gui_6_2: 1.32692 ms

    TIMER| ps_gui_7: 254.52 us

    TIMER| ps_gui_9: 4.33243 ms

    TIMER| InitRenderer: 28.3064 ms

    TIMER| SimulationInit: 2.1026 ms

    TIMER| Init_miscgamesection: 22.5011 ms

    TIMER| Init_guiload: 166.721 ms

    VSRC_DEQUE1 1 1


    AL_DEBUG: 4355

    VSRC_DEQUE1 1 1



    ERROR: Failed to find matching prop point called "antler" in model "art/meshes/skeletal/deer_mesh.dae" for actor "fauna/deer.xml"

    VSRC_DEQUE1 1 1


    VSRC_DEQUE1 1 1


    VSRC_DEQUE1 1 1


    VSRC_DEQUE1 2 1


    AL_DEBUG: 4355


    VSRC_DEQUE1 1 1


    VSRC_DEQUE1 2 1



    VSRC_DEQUE1 1 1


    OpenAL error: Invalid Value; called from vsrc_deque_finished_bufs (line 1496)

    snd_mgr.cpp(116): Assertion failed: "0"

    udbg_bfd_init: loading symbols from /home/idle/tmp/wildfiregames/binaries/system/pyrogenesis_dbg.

    Assertion failed: "0"

    Location: snd_mgr.cpp:116 (al_ReportError)

    Call stack:

    (0x009c25de) ldbg.cpp:101 debug_DumpStack(wchar_t*, unsigned long, void*, char const*)

    (0x00979221) debug.cpp:341 debug_BuildErrorMessage(wchar_t const*, char const*, int, char const*, void*, char const*, ErrorMessageMem*)

    (0x009796c4) debug.cpp:499 debug_DisplayError(wchar_t const*, unsigned long, void*, char const*, char const*, int, char const*, unsigned char*)

    (0x00979abd) debug.cpp:578 debug_OnAssertionFailure(char const*, unsigned char*, char const*, int, char const*)

    (0x009a802a) snd_mgr.cpp:116 al_ReportError

    (0x009a808a) snd_mgr.cpp:132 al_check

    (0x009aa954) snd_mgr.cpp:1497 vsrc_deque_finished_bufs

    (0x009aaa23) snd_mgr.cpp:1534 vsrc_update

    (0x009aab4c) snd_mgr.cpp:1592 vsrc_grant

    (0x009aad27) snd_mgr.cpp:1665 snd_play(long, float)

    (0x007cded1) SoundGroup.cpp:115 CSoundGroup::UploadPropertiesAndPlay(long, CVector3D const&)

    (0x007ce137) SoundGroup.cpp:146 CSoundGroup::PlayNext(CVector3D const&)

    (0x00770add) SoundGroupMgr.cpp:158 CSoundGroupMgr::PlayNext(unsigned long, CVector3D const&)

    (0x007ac7e9) EntityStateProcessing.cpp:516 CEntity::ProcessContactActionNoPathing(CEntityOrder*, int)

    (0x0071a1e1) Entity.cpp:577 CEntity::UpdateOrders(int)

    (0x00719b0f) Entity.cpp:462 CEntity::Update(int)

    errno = 0 (?)

    OS error = ?

  4. is there something what i am do wrong?

    Which svn revision are you using?

    cd /path/to/svn/root; svn info

    Please set the environment variable LC_MESSAGES to C or any english locale so that all other people can read the messages as well.

    export LC_MESSAGES=C

    Could you please update your workspace with

    ./update-workspace.sh --verbose

    and run:

    cd gcc; make clean graphics

    It looks like there is a missing include directive.

  5. Sorry that I didn't read the whole tread...

    but _PLEASE_ don't use such exotic build-systems!

    Reading the thread would have pointed out the reason for a more complicated build system - Makefiles or autotools do not meet the requirements set out above.

    more complicated sounds ok, as long as it is only complicated ;)

    but the others are horrible

    Does that include Premake and scons?

    at least premake, there were a few things with scons too but i don't remember which things..

    They don't respect *FLAGS (LDFLAGS/LIBS, -Wl,--as-needed) which is important if you'd like to link just _really needed_ stuff etc.

    hm, I don't have much Linux experience, but only linking in the bare necessities doesn't exactly sound like a killer feature. Is that so important?

    yes it is.

    for some linker specific stuff i recommend:

    http://blog.flameeyes.eu/ (tags: as-needed, linker)

    and also interesting is:


    some major issues has been fixed now, see http://trac.wildfiregames.com/changeset/7077

  6. Hey guys,

    Sorry that I didn't read the whole tread...

    but _PLEASE_ don't use such exotic build-systems!

    If possible take Makefile (self written from scratch) otherwise autotools or CMake.

    Nothing is perfect but the others are horrible (maybe not even all but all i know about...).

    They don't respect *FLAGS (LDFLAGS/LIBS, -Wl,--as-needed) which is important if you'd like to link just _really needed_ stuff etc.

    IMHO there are many other things against such stuff.

    And if a build-system doesn't know how to build in a "proper" way.. well then....

    I assume you're not going to write Makefiles yourself so I only suggest autotools or CMake then.

    I just saw the thread here, its 3am now... maybe I'll point it out a bit more to a later moment.

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