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Posts posted by idle

  1. hi there

    I'm on Gentoo, using dev-libs/boost-1.39.0, and when I try to compile 0AD I get the following error:

    ==== Building mocks_real ====

    make[1]: `../../../binaries/system/libmocks_real_dbg.a' is up to date.

    ==== Building network ====

    make[1]: *** No rule to make target

    `/usr/include/boost/detail/shared_count.hpp', needed by

    `obj/network_Debug/precompiled.h.gch'. Stop.

    make: *** [network] Error 2

    I checked /usr/include/boost/detail, there's no such file

    boost-1.37 doesn't contain that file either

    does anyone have any suggestions?

    I googled the error ("make[1]: ... shared_count.hpp"), the only match I found was about 0AD, unfortunately it was on the Italian Arch Linux forums

    At least boost-1.37.0 contains this file and I'm sure 1.39.0 as well.

    Did you set your boost profile properly?


    eselect boost list

    Pick the most recent version and set your profile.


    eselect boost set 2

  2. In addition to all the othe packages the instructions mention i also ended up having to install:



    And im not sure if its manditory (I had done it before i installed 1.37) but you may need to add:

    ln -s /usr/lib/libboost_system-mt.so.1.37.0 /usr/lib/libboost_system-mt.so

    *MUST the name be "libboost_system-mt.so" or is "libboost_system-mt.so.1.37.0" okay?*

    Apparently some packages were left out, i was missing "-lboost_system-mt" and http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=12566 Only helped me to understand i need to install "libboost-system1.37-dev".

    I hear the Build Instructions are very good, And i think its true ;)

    This was my first Successful build!

    The symlink is usually created by ldconfig and if not (you may try to run ldconfig yourself) for whatever reason just create one.

    "-lboost_system-mt" is like: link libboost_system-mt.so

  3. i have a conflict

    salsero@salsero-laptop:~/trunk$ svn up
    Konflikt in »libraries/spidermonkey/src/build.sh« entdeckt.
    Auswahl: (p) zurückstellen, (df) voller Diff, (e) editieren,
    (h) Hilfe für weitere Optionen:

    what sould i choose?



    if you're at the point where you need to run ./update-workspaces.sh type this:

    CFLAGS="-I/usr/include/nspr" ./update-workspaces.sh

  4. Hi i get this report:

    salsero@salsero-laptop:~$ CFLAGS="-I/usr/include/nspr" make

    make: *** Keine Targets angegeben und keine »make«-Steuerdatei gefunden. Schluss.

    salsero@salsero-laptop:~$ sudo CFLAGS="-I/usr/include/nspr" make

    [sudo] password for salsero:

    make: *** Keine Targets angegeben und keine »make«-Steuerdatei gefunden. Schluss.


    how can i install a new version? libnspr4-0d - 4.7.5 and libnspr4-dev is already installed.

    darn! you should do that in the build dir of 0ad you already did that sometimes....

    and you don't need to build as root!

  5. hi,

    i get this:

    salsero@salsero-laptop:~$ nspr-config --cflags --libs


    -L/usr/local/lib -lplds4 -lplc4 -lnspr4 -lpthread -ldl -lc -lpthread

    so nspr-config has the wrong include path, please take a look at your distribution bug database and file a new bug if needed (except you've installed it yourself).

    you can try this as workaround:

    CFLAGS="-I/usr/include/nspr" make

    or even install a newer version or so where this problem might be fixed.

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