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Posts posted by Hiram

  1. Hello buddys :)

    I need to set up a "chat", or something similar for my work, it need to be private, that means that I should be able to restric who goes in. Besides that I have no other requirement, so as long as is real time is ok.

    Any help would be greatly apreciated. Thanks.

  2. However, on average they had less armor and focused mainly on long-range tactics (their bowmen were rightly feared)

    OK, lets clear a point, the average of the Persian army, was ligther than the average of the Greek armie. This doesnt mean that the Persians didn't have heavy units. Besides, not all greeks were heavy hoplites armored with curias and bronze shields, people gets confused when they heard that all citizens of the polis had the duty of buy their panoplia, but not all the greeks were citizens. They had a complex social sistem in wich a big part of the population was not given political powers, and that group of lesser individuals, figth has ligth troops, and Im not talking about peltast, who could at least afford a shield, and some kind or armor, but slingers, bowmen, and many other who also travel with Alexander, and at least at the begining were as poorly equiped as the persian troops.

    On the other hand, the ligthness of the persian army was not a military error; just remember how vast the empire was, mobility was greatly apreciated on the soldiers. The greeks on the other hand, were used to figth with their "next hill neighbour".

    Point lies elsewhere. If Persian armies were so excellent, it would be Macedonia which would be conquered. Not vice versa.

    The Macedonians under Philip, defeat the rest of the greek armies, thus the Macedonian were excellent, and the rest of the greeks were crap. The Romans defeat the greeks, thus the romans were excellent, and the overall greeks were crap. The Huns and German tribes, defeat the romans, thus the huns and germans were excellent, and the romans were crap... do you want me to continue?

  3. I said their conscripts from subject nations were poorly trained. When we say the "Persian army was poorly trained" we are talking about the tens of thousands of farmers and traders conscripted to fight.

    The issue is when people say that the persian army was poorly trained, because it have poorly trained conscript soldiers. The greeks also had poorly trained conscript soldiers, they were called psiloi, of course the size of the greek armies and the persian thousand nations are not comparable. But I don't think, that we should say, that the overall persian army was poorly trained, is like saying that a army of 100 trained soldiers, are stronger, than a army of 100 trained soldiers+1000 conscript peasants.

    Besides, the conscript soldiers were not a permanent part of the Persian army, they were called in very specific ocasions, but a big part of the army were profesional soldiers, either regular soldiers, or mercenaries.

  4. I check the forum, and I found (by my simple check) there is no Iranian people to help you in this game, and you need one, may be there is some but I also like to help you. Any help, about names, and history , any help about any thing that I can do, let me know.

    There is so much truth on those words, the persians have been misunderstuded, devaluated, and wrongly portreyed in RTS games since the beginings. Unfortunatly, the occidental culture feels more identifyed with the greeks, thus there has always been a subyacent discrimination to the persian units in games. Lets just look at 0 A.D., persians are planned to have weak units, and will base their strategy in numbers. It is truth that the persian empire was huge, but where do people get the idea that the average persian soldier was less capable than the greeks?, the greeks never really won a open war against the persians, they just get lucky. On the peneloponesian wars, they didn't expell Xerxes from Greece, he march all the way to Athens, and burn the city, the greeks couldn't do anything about it, then he had to leave to defend his trone, leaving the invasion to Greece unnatended.

    Alexander campaign was also the result of unusual circumstances, a strong carismatic leader on one side, and a weak, coward one on the other, remember that Darius flee from Gaugamela. But on the mean time, Parmenion and a big part of the greek forces were being crushed on the left flank. And at the end, Alexander didn't conquer Persia, Persia conquer Alexander!, he was withness of the greatness of the empire and the culture, and wanted all that for him, at the time of his dead, Alexander was more persian than greek.

    I think I may have look over excited here, but I had been and admirer of the persian culture since a long time ago, unfortunatly, persian ascendency is one that I cannot claim for myself, but one of the goals of my life, is to one day visit Iran and Persepolis, and get to know more about that great nation.

    fzerorubigd, I hope someone of the team can make use of your knowledge, Im sure Michael will see this, and may have something more to add, in the meantime, I would like to get your opinion on a personal project that Im developing for Age of Mythology, you can visit my site, the link is on my sign, and here, or send me a personal message trough the forums, seya ;)

  5. I have had this problem since the last three days. When I start my pc (Windows XP, service Pack 2), everything works fine, but after a few minutes browsing, Firefox will not open any other site, neither IE. The following is happening:

    • I cannot open web pages.
    • I can ping my default gateway.
    • I can ping external adresses.
    • I cannot renew IP address.
    • When trying to release the Ip adress, gives the following message "the RPC server is not available"(that is a translation since my Windows is in spanish)
    • The status of the connection, says that packages are still being sended.
    • The problem usually gets resolve after restarting the sistem.
    • Up to this moment, the problem has not happened in safe mode.

    I also try to check if my firewall was the cause, but when trying to open windows firewall, it says that the sevices was not active, and cannot be started.

    I have AVG antivirus, and Im currently scanning the disks, but with almost 150 Gigs of files, is going to take a while ;)

    Any thoughs?

  6. Zerg or Protoss? (starcraft)

    Zerg of course!, protoss are so boring, and when playing the zerg I like to pretend they eat their victims :)

    Regarding the original question, I would take the 100,000 in the following conditions:

    • That I had a period of at least 6 months to train them.
    • That the equipment of both armies is similar.
    • That is a battle in a open field, with no fortifications.

    My strategy would be to send a bunch of ligth infantry to face the enemy on the middle of the battle field, then fake a retreat, when the enemy starts chasing, shower them with arrows. If the enemy doesn't fall on the trap, I would then send reinforcement troups, to the center, surround the enemy with heavy cavalry, suported by ligth infantry.

    I would hold my archers from shooting, to avoid hurting my own troops, and instead keep them as skimishers to support the infantry on the middle, sending them on waves to make the enemy tire. It would tale a while, but at the end I think I will prevail.

  7. :D Im really impresed by the animation, how long does it take you to do that?

    What I like the most:

    1. The legionaries, did you create the models by yourself?
    2. The grass :D , those kind of little things are ussually harder to get a nice, natural look
    3. Overall lights and camera, a very nice composition.

    Congrats, and keep working :)

  8. Linux is also free, yet you can buy a CD, and is perfectly legal. The reason is because people cannot charge for the software, but they can charge for the CD and the burning of it.

    Im not sure what licence is 0AD going to have, but once that it get finish, I will make some copies and give them to my friends :)

  9. A flying unit would have to be able to fly over all the scenario, without restrictions of objects or terrains, is that possible with the current state of the engine?, if not, it really should be introduced, because that simple change can give pyirogenesis the oportunity of be moded into a modern age RTS or even a futurustic one (Im personally looking foward to that)

  10. Thats true, when XP came out, it was a total mess and I hated it; it required too much memory and CPU procesing, so only newer machines could run it. Now is the same with Vista, the thing is that now are more "newby" users than before, so the Vista bad image get spreaded easier. At the end, XP wil be look like the ugly old system, and Vista/Windows 7 will be loved by all.

    On my part, I will not leave my XP/Ubuntu combo, for at least one more year until everything is nice and pretty.

  11. I strongly think this article have to be revised. Although very good reading, a lecture about what are the misconceptions, should'nt encourage some of them. When there is doubt it should be noted has that, and not make "educated guessings"

    As for Sisyphus comments:

    MYTH TWO: First of all, when we say "mother of democracy", we do not mean that modern democracy is exactly like the ancient democracy and I'm saying this because it looks like you compare modern democracy with the ancient one. "Mother of democracy" means that it was the first democracy ever existed. After the fall of the Athenian democracy it took about a few thousands years for the world to re-create democracy, based on the ancient Greek one.

    It is true that the word democracy came from greek language, but that doesnt mean that greek democracy was the first one, at least not in the sense that we concieve it today. The citizens having absolute power over slaves, women, and other non citizens, sounds more like oligarchy to me. Besides, their discusions in the agora are far diferent than the way in wich we implement the government today. And no, current democracy was'nt recreated based on ancient greek one, it is the result of social evolution trough the millenia.

    MYTH THREE: You must be kidding me :). Do you really believe that the Roman Republic offered more to the western civilization than the Hellenic one? Actually the Roman Republic was a "copy-paste" of the Greek civilization itself. Same architecture, same gods, language based on a Greek dialect. And according to most historians, Romans, once they conquered ancient Greece, they brought Greek teachers to Rome to educate their children :). And what did the Romans gave to the Western Civilization? The arenas? :D

    It is obvious you did'nt study law. The tree power division, the courts, the senate, the family law, the criminal law, most of the elements of the current western government are evolutions of the roman law.

    MYTH FOUR: Yes, indeed, they did not invent them, but they upgraded them to a level that we're still learning in schools! (especially Geometry). As for science, Greeks were the first who spoke about a heliocentric system (although this theory was never established till 16-17th century), and Democritus was the first to conceptualize the "atom" concept. And about Philosophy, I'll disagree. Greeks DID invented it. Should I start analyzing Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, or refer to the "Ακαδημία" (Academy) the first institution of higher learning in the western world?

    Althoug many of this is true, I think we own more to the muslim scholars who rediscovered and increase the knowledge during the medieval era, since our science is a direct descendent form theirs.

  12. Can you provide your sources?, because all the archeological info that I had seen, show that the horses on that time were'nt strong enough to carry a man on their back, it was only later, after centuries of breeding that the races get that ability, and the first ones came from the steppes of Asia. There's also the fact that the draws found on micenic/minoan pottery show chariots and not raiders.

    But I may be wrong (y)

  13. Despise the image that many persons have of great burning eye in the top of Barad Dur, Tolkien never give a proper description of Sauron during the War of the Ring. It is true that during the book, the flaming lidless eye is used to talk about Sauron, but many believe that this is an allegory of how he was permannently watching from the high of his tower.

    There are also some parts that seem to indicate that Sauron did had a phisical body during the ending of the third age:

    • When the free armies of the middle earth reach the black gate, Aragorn command Sauron to come foward; that show that he knew Sauron have mobility, unless he was expecting a giant, flaming, eye to came out of the gate.
    • When Gollum talks about his steady in Mordor, he talks about Sauron having hands.

    So how is Sauron going to be portrayed here?



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