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Posts posted by NOXAS1

  1. Sir there is some ships getting to close to the invasion fleet should we engage?

    Yes we cant take any chances send in 4 Triremes and an boarding party but just act like your going to Egypt to trade so bring a trade cog too.

  2. okay well you cant be unfair and say something like ex scissors beats rock and umm well horses beat hoplites you know just be realistic you are not inclined to be historically accurate and well first person to start the game gets to name the place(also the winner get to choose next game) umm ill show you a example on this forum game im on and well anyone can join at any time. this thing could last a week and it would still be cool with me no arguing if you do ill though let me or any of the game dudes say wether you win or lose that round umm yuo can stop at any time also and mainly just have fun k. and you can do any formation or tactic you want. oh and if you win a battle you can advance on the losers country a bit closer not that anyone is a loser and if youd like to give some facts on the place so we are accurate when fighting that would be nice.

    hope you have fun Enjoy

    restarting game- greece- i choose Myrmidons

  3. A forum war umm you fight with words i chose troy as a backdrop and put spartans and helots but they said why is their helots with pre-dorian spartans i just wanted it to be fun and nobody has joined yet. im not mad at them im just asking for them to understand and just play for fun

  4. i did the game to have fun all i ask is for something you know it will be fun and i always check the forums plz done shun me just because i dont want it to be historically accurate if its a game. it is like a random map we get to make fights up on my forum game you know

  5. Africans pretty much falls under Egyptians, Persians, and Iberians. Gauls (which u misspelled) are the same thing as Germans. I don't think that Jews would be a civ, because that is a religion, not a race or tribe. The Arabs came after the Romans, and so did the Turks.

    The Jews are actually called Israelites and they managed to survive and now still are in a hostile invironment. Jews is a religion but it is another name for Israelis

  6. rules are nothing stupid k it will start like this. choose a side(subdivision) and just fight with words ill be the judge of who wins the fights. or one of the guys like Mythos Ruler or purple people eater can if they want too.

    Helots and Spartans march to the docks for the invasion of Troy. Many other Greeks are there too including the Myrmidons. They get on their ships and sail till they are a couple hundred yards away from the beach.

    I choose (Myrmidons)

  7. I was wondering I know the Persians once owned Egypt and in aok the Saracens had a unit called a Mamluke.

    will there be any calvary on Camels just wondering. oh and will you have something like slave armies. for persia.

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